Which Topic Of The Essay Related To Racism Can Be On The Book Color Of Water
Monday, December 30, 2019
World War II And Propaganda - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1095 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/07/02 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Propaganda Essay World War 2 Essay Did you like this example? Inroduction In 1939, global tension was high. When war broke out between Germany and Poland, many countries from around the world began to take sides, forming two opposing powers with dozens of nations behind each. Leading the Allied Powers was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Heading the conflicting Axis Powers was Dictator Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany (World 1,721). With the coming of war, each nation had its own adverse effects from the war in both foreign and domestic affairs. Governments and other social organizations utilized the art of propaganda to communicate with its citizens and navigate them through the politics of these effects. Propaganda used in the second world war was different than it had been before. It addressed many different issues, and in some ways advertised or promotes war rather than discouraging it. This new wave of propaganda changed the face of the future of political art (Propaganda 1). Of the propaganda issued by the United States, common themes include raising money for war efforts, especially through the purchase of war bonds and stamps, and the discouragement or outlaw of discussing military plans, as well as racism observable from a contemporary standpoint. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "World War II And Propaganda" essay for you Create order Fundraising and Reservation From an economic perspective, the US was primarily focused on saving and raising money to support American troops stationed in foreign lands. Of the poster propaganda centered around militant funding, some encouraged citizens to save gasoline by carpooling in car-sharing clubs (Propaganda 1), but most were concerned with encouraging American citizens to purchase war bonds and stamps in order to raise money for war efforts. Citizens were encouraged through these posters to sympathize with the soldiers and want to provide for and help them. The money earned from these campaigns were used to pay for transportation, injury care, food supply, and weapon use. Propaganda marketed these purchases as investments in the security of the futures and safeties of American families and soldiers (Boyd 1). This emphasis on security is another common theme throughout economic propaganda. Private producers like individual artists created political art pieces as well. Artist Norman Rockwell illustrated a series of four paintings that represented different domestic freedoms that Americans take for granted (Rockwells 1). Pieces like this may have also contributed to an increase in citizen participation in war efforts with the use of pathos, pushing those citizens to purchase war bonds and/or stamps or donate to the armies. While Americans were encouraged to sympathize, they were also encouraged to hold a merciless stance toward enemies. Other propaganda posters depict images like Axis Power officials with captions like Stamp ?em out! Another series of posters with all the same caption, Keep ?em firing, acts as persuasion to fuel the growing need for war funds so that Americans could continue to progress in the war offensively (Boyd 1). Outlaw of the Discussion of Militant Strategies US propaganda was also focused on the theme of the prohibition of sharing secret information regarding military plans. Soldiers or other citizens who knew of future plans were strictly discouraged by poster propaganda from discussing them with anyone. Americans were afraid that German, Japanese, or Italian spies lived among them, so any discussion of future plans was a very sensitive topic. If spies were to obtain delicate information, it could spoil the moves soldiers made and cause harm to them, and therefore also harm the USs aggressive progress in the war. The outlaw was intended to prevent Axis spies from eavesdropping into conversations or even posing as American allies to extract said sensitive information; the idea was that if no one but those directly involved were to know of such plans then the enemies would be caught off guard once invaded by American troops and therefore easier to overwhelm. One poster depicted a caricature of Hitler looking surprised with the caption Sil ence means surprise. Another shows a male soldier talking with a woman on a park bench, with a man illustrated to represent Hitler next to them, his ear enlarged to show he is eavesdropping. It is captioned Loose talk can cost lives (Boyd 1). Racism and Stereotypes Through the propaganda messages as discussed previously in this report, an underlying, racist principle is observable against those of Japanese descent. In American propaganda, Japanese are often portrayed as monsters or rat-like creatures. Such portrayals certainly played a part in the publics perspective toward the Japanese and Japanese Americans living in the US. In American history, civil liberties have occasionally been suspended to accommodate special situations; one of these special situations is World War II. During the second world war, racial profiling of Americans of Japanese descent occurred (Civil 292). In December 1941, the Japanese military bombed a US military base in Hawaii called Pearl Harbor (Pearl 1). After the bombing, federal officials were put under Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D Roosevelt to usher Japanese Americans into internment camps. Japanese Americans from all along the Southwest and West Coasts of the United States were given days notice to leave their lives behind and report to the camps (Japanese 1). These camps have before been compared to Jewish concentration camps established in Europe by Nazis; however, many disagree with these comparisons and argue that the Japanese internment camps were not used to torture or abuse citizens, but rather to gather them into one area as an attempt to prevent the carrying out of whatever speculations other Americans made about Japanese Americans (Schumacher-Matos and Grisham 1). It was a popular fear of other Americans that Japanese Americans were secretly spies for homeland Japan and posed as a threat to national security. This action was instigated by the Pearl Harbor bombing but was exaggerated and magnified by propaganda. In many propaganda posters, like the ones provided by John Boyd in his Houston Chronicle article, images of monstrous figures are illustrated to represent Japanese persons. They often depict those persons to have exaggeratedly small eyes, ash-colored skin, long fang-like teeth, and glasses. One example even displays a drawing of a rat with a Japanese army helmet on (Boyd 1). Influence on the Present Day World War II propaganda opened new doors and shed light on new topics that had never been explored before. Post war, propaganda began to evolve into a new form of attack that did not use weapons, but human emotion and social mob mentality to assail enemies. It convinced citizens to support the war by glorifying its effects and the USs role in the war. Today, new forms of propaganda like political cartoons, politically-geared traditional style art, and their popular circulation within social media follow the implication of pro-war messages that launched during World War II.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Outsiders By. Hinton - 1459 Words
In the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, there are negative effects that impact everyone in society. The three main negative effects in the story were violence, peer pressure, and stereotyping. These three effects still occur today and affect people all around the world. The novel helps us understand the consequences of these effects and how we can overcome these problems in society. In this book violence plays a large role in this story. The greasers live their life in fear of the Socs. The story focuses on both the mental and physical violence from abusive parents to bullying. [â€Å"Greasers can t walk alone too much or they ll get jumped, or someone will come by and scream Greaser! at them, which doesn t make you feel too hot if you know what I mean.†pg.2] Society looks down on Greasers making them seen unruly or uncivilized. Socs strive for power. They hurt Greasers to remind themselves that they have more power over them. They make it seem â€Å"acceptable†for Socs to jump greasers because of their social status. The Socs could jump Greasers and society would think it was okay but if it was the other way around, the greasers would be arrested. The agony and the pain the Socs put on the Greasers from getting jumped and When Johnny was jumped by Bob’s gang, he was beaten up badly. [pg32] [â€Å"I killed him,†he said slowly. â€Å"I killed that boy.†pg.56] Johnny kills Bob to save Ponyboy. Johnny s past impulses him to protect Ponyboy. Johnny has gone through so muchShow MoreRelatedThe Outsiders By. Hinton1455 Words  | 6 Pages The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Greasers were a social group in the 1950s, they have special clothes. Those teenagers are from the lower class and they lived in different places like U.S. their name came because of their greasy hair. Most of them are dangerous, criminals, and hoodlums. They are not educated and they don’t have life opportunities (â€Å"Back ground information†). The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is talking about two groups, the â€Å"greasers†and the â€Å"socs†, theRead MoreThe Outsiders : The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton749 Words  | 3 Pages The Outsiders Essay The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about two groups of kids the greasers and the Socs. The Socs are the rich kids who drive expensive cars and wear expensive clothes and the greasers are considered the bums. They don’t have money and they don’t get whatever they want, they also have to work extra hard to get to where they want to be. If you are considered a greaser you are a muffin and the Socs are the cupcakes. Everybody would prefer a cupcake over a muffin, butRead MoreThe Outsiders by S.E. Hinton599 Words  | 2 Pagesto attach themselves to another social group, usually to a group of friends. Unfortunately, without these close ties to their families, some teens will attach themselves to a group of delinquents and adopt a gang lifestyle. In her novel The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton illustrates how Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally’s dysfunctional family situations led them to attach themselves to the Greasers while demonstrating how these choices resulted in tragic conse quences. After the death of his parents, Darry ineptlyRead MoreThe Outsiders By S.e Hinton1938 Words  | 8 PagesHave you ever been judged by people who don’t really know who you are? Maybe it was because of the way you looked, or your social class. This is a problem that occurs all too often, and it happens everywhere. S.E Hinton, author of â€Å"The Outsiders,†noticed this happening in her own neighbourhood, so she made this a huge part of the theme of her book. She wanted people to stop judging others before they really knew who they were, and their life circumstances. In this book there are two main socialRead MoreThe Outsiders By S. E Hinton1305 Words  | 6 Pages‘The Outsiders’; a novel written by S.E Hinton in 1967, and is based in the 1960s in America. This essay will talk specifically about the title ‘The Outsiders’. Questions such as who the outsiders are, why the novel was titled this way, and what an outsider is will be discussed. A ll these topics are individually important, as they all shape the story and the plotline. The topic (or argument) of if they are born as outsiders or not will also be discussed. This essay will focus specifically on howRead MoreThe Outsiders By S. E. Hinton1718 Words  | 7 PagesMajor Work Review Guide Title: The Outsiders Author: S.E. Hinton Published: 1967 by Viking Press Significant characters and brief statement of function in the work: Name: Function: 1. Pony boy Curtis- The narrator of the story. Ponyboy’s love for literature and academics make him different from the rest of the gang. He’s also the youngest. Because his parents died in a car accident, Ponyboy lives with his brothers. His oldest brother accuses him of lacking common sense but, ponyboy is a reliableRead MoreThe Outsiders By Susan Eloise Hinton1445 Words  | 6 PagesReading a variety of novels throughout my educational career has been an essential portion of my life furthermore; I believe the Irvine Unified School District should teach the novel â€Å"The Outsiders†by Susan Eloise Hinton. This novel has many themes and morals that fit perfectly with it, but the main one is to show how our society segregates people based on their looks and appearance. I believe this novel is suitable for young adults between the ages of twelve and sixteen because this novel givesRead MoreThe Outsiders By S. E. Hinton1109 Words  | 5 Pagesdevastated? A b ig and beyond compare pain. What if it was something that could change the way someone would look at life? Imagine the very worst happening. The people someone would love gone, in this case, parents. In the novel entitled The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton, she walks the reader through the experiences of a fourteen year old boy and his six lifelong friends who call themselves the â€Å"Greasers.†Along the way Ponyboy Curtis, the youngest greaser, finds himself in a touchy situation that may placeRead MoreThe Outsiders By S. E Hinton Essay2486 Words  | 10 PagesYves Belance 28 Nov 2016 V. Minchener Enc11 Research Paper The novel and film, The Outsiders by S. E Hinton, can be composed based on symbols, imagery, characters, and chronology. The Outsiders is a novel and a movie. The novel was written by Susan Eloise Hinton, in 1965, where it took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After the book was published the movie, The Outsiders was produced in 1983 directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The author has a great sense of imagery. Ponyboy the narrator of the story usedRead MoreThe Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Essay1041 Words  | 5 PagesThe Outsiders by S.E. Hinton There are four stories in The Outsiders section; The Poor Relations Story, Lou, the Prophet, The Stolen Bacillus and Hop frog. In all these stories we feel sympathy for someone, because they are seen as an outsider of their own society. However we feel a greater degree of sympathy for some of these characters that we do for others, whether this is because of their situation, beliefs, or actions varies in each story. The
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Essay on national service program Free Essays
The National Service Program proposal by the US congress once heard will immediately pose a lot of questions. But many of those questions have been answered by the different corps that has been providing utmost help to those who need. Through the National Service Program, public schools would be able to provide the education every child needs, the quality of life improved by providing easy and fast access to public health, providing food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, environment conservation and protection, care giving to the elders and being there when a community experiences such devastating calamites and disasters like hurricanes, flooding and such terror activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on national service program or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of the time, people would be willing to extend their service, but sometimes they just don’t know where or how (McCain, 2001). With the proposal, almost every single American would be able to show their patriotism to the country. A lot of opportunities to serve others are present, and still many are not doing a thing. By providing means on where one could serve, that way, he or she would be able to determine what service could be provided according to his or her knowledge, skills and abilities. Serving the country is not just about joining the army and being involved in wars over Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Fortunately, a lot of different corps is available depending on the mode of service they provide. The corp can be a group that can provide measures in making a community safe from any kind of crime and terrorists activities. The program also extends its help to countries in overseas by providing means in solving challenges for the development of a nation. Talents and skills are shared in this program for those who want to improve and further develop their capacities(Marshall, 2007). The service programs could be the key for students entering the college in choosing the career path they would be taking. A study has shown that students in high school that were engaged in a community service are more likely to finish college compared to those who have not joined such activity. Also, improvement in their reading skills, mathematics and science is evident(Roscow, 2007). Having a national service program instead of a voluntary or selective program will result into a lot of inevitable issues regarding freedom. Making or compelling the citizens to work for two years will greatly affect their lives. A family man working hard to raise his family would not have two years to serve others. He would of course be putting his family first before others. Or course the government cannot satisfy or at least provide the necessities that a family needs if their provider is gone and doing national service, would they? Two years of public service is too much, considering the fact that it would be full time. Another issue that would be raised is how the government would compel millions of citizens to do national service. Would there be laws that would prosecute a person if he or she did not perform the necessary tasks he or she is into? If so, would it not violate the rights and freedom of the general public? A lot of issues are needed to be considered before passing the proposal especially those ones that concerns the rights and freedom of every American citizen. The government alone cannot rely on the workforce is has. It needs more than it could have in providing services. As every American individual obtain the ever ending rights, entitlements and freedom, obligation to the nation lacks. And some don’t even know what really is their responsibility and obligation to their country. John Kennedy once told the country about not asking what a nation or a country do for them but it’s about doing something for the country (Healy, 2007). With the National Service Program, billion of hours of service could be provided in making a country far well-protected, stronger and a better place. It not only teaches patriotism but responsibility and compassion as a whole. Not everyone could be called a hero like those that have saved lives or the war veterans in World War II, but by providing service to your fellow countrymen, you can be a their hero. Healy, A. L. Y. a. M. (2007). Citizenship means giving something back. THe Denver Post. Marshall, W. (2007). Ideas for national service that would benefit America. The Sacramento Bee. McCain, J. (2001). Putting the â€Å"National†in National Service [Electronic Version]. Washington Monthly. Retrieved July 1, 2007 from http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0110.mccain.html. Roscow, D. (2007). Academic Performance Enhanced By High School Civic Engagement. CIRCLE. How to cite Essay on national service program, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Advertising for Oppurtunities and Objectives- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAdvertising for Oppurtunities and Setting Objectives. Answer: Advertising Brief Client Name: Amotts Biscuits Ltd. Product/ Service name- Tim Tam biscuits new mixed coffee and chocolate flavour Background Amotts Biscuits Ltd is the largest producer of biscuits in Australia(Amotts, 2017). It is also one of the largest snack food suppliers in the country and abroad(Amotts, 2017). Tim Tam is a brand of Amotts; it is a cream chocolate biscuit popular with children. The brand came into existence in 1958 after being inspired by Britains Penguin Biscuits(Amotts, 2017). Advertising plan needs to be created for a new mixed flavour of Tim Tam which would contain a mix of chocolate and coffee flavour. This new variety would be targeted young students and professional. It would be packaged in small pack sizes so that it can be consumed as a snack. Purpose of the brief- This brief aims at creating an advertisement plan for Tim Tam, a brand of biscuit of Amotts Biscuits Ltd. The brief is meant to create an advertisement plan for a new mix flavour of Tim Tam. The plan will outline advertisement strategies, media and budget for the entire plan. Marketing strategies The new flavour variation of Tim Tam will have the following marketing strategies- Marketing mix for Tim Tams new flavour of coffee and chocolate Product: A mixed coffee and chocolate flavoured biscuit having chocolate cream with a slight flavour of coffee. Place: The product will be sold through retail stores Price: Penetration pricing strategy will be used so that product can be sold to a mass market. $3 for pack of 200g of biscuits will be used Promotion: The product will be promoted through television advertising, print advertising, out of home adverting and online channels. Target Audience Description- Target audience constitutes of the consumer segments to which the marketers want to sell the product. The primary target audience of Tim Tams new mixed flavour are young adult students and secondary target audience is young professionals(Selecting the target audiance, Class notes). Following is a profile of target audience Target Market Profile for Tim Tam Primary target audience Secondary target audience Demographic: Young adult students Geographic: All over Australia Psychographic: For students who like to munch a snack in between studies Behavioural- Product to be used as a snack item Demographic: young professional Geographic: All over Australia Psychographic: Younger generation who prefers snacks in between hectic lifestyle Behavioural- Product to be used as a snack item Source Made by author (2017) adapted from(Selecting the target audiance, Class notes) Consumer Insights Consumer insight helps in interpreting the behaviour of consumers towards a particular product or brand. Needs, wants and aspirations of different consumers are different. Therefore, it is important to find the needs of a particular target customer. Additionally, it is important to identify how the brands consumer base is interpreting the product(Gathering an idea) For Tim Tams new mixed flavour, consumer insight shows that biscuits are one of the most popular snack items for people of all age categories(Amotts, 2017). Especially youth who are students or young professions tend to consumer biscuits frequently as a snack in between studies, work or playtime(Amotts, 2017). Therefore, Tim Tam has come up with this new flavour which combines tastes of youth and children and tries to cater to both these markets through one product. Through this product Tim Tam is also trying to capture the need of the customer to munch a snack in between meals. Target audience weightage- The product is more inclined towards young students hence a priority weightage of 60/40 is to be given to students while selecting media. This weightage is based on the assumption that students tend to eat more biscuits that professionals. Adverting Objectives- Following are the advertising objectives for Tim Tams new mixed chocolate and coffee flavour biscuit(The effects of advertising, class notes) To increase sales of the Tim tam brand to double within three years. To increase the market share of Tim Tam brand by 5 percentage points within the next three years To increase brand awareness through intensive promotional activities so that maximum people in Australia know about the product within the next one year. To create a good brand image and goodwill of the product Creating target market focused advertisements so that firm is able to increase sales volume within the next two years Creating advertisements which are focused on attracting customer to try the product once Advertising should be able to improve brand awareness within one year Advertisement should be able to remind the customer about the product(Appraising Oppurtunities and setting objectives, Class notes) Through achievement of these objectives sales and brand recall of Tim Tam can be enhanced. Advertising Strategy Advertising strategy is the strategy of formulating an Ad campaign to target a specific audience so that they can be persuaded to purchase the product(The effects of advertising, class notes) Direction: Direction of advertising strategy for Tim Tams new mixed coffee and chocolate flavoured biscuit should be to create awareness of the new brand variety. Awareness can be created by giving frequent ads which show product features and product attractiveness. It should also aim to persuade the target audience to try the product(The effects of advertising, class notes). This can be done by making the advertisement catchy and attractive. Additionally, the advertising strategy should aim at reminding the audience about the new biscuit variety. More frequency of Ads will serve this purpose.(Research: Gathering information for advertisment, class notes) Campaign scope- Scope of the advertising strategy would include covering maximum customers in the target audience like children and young adults Suggested Media- Advertisements can be given on various media channels like television, radio, print and bill boards and hoardings(Sample media selection, Class notes). Time and duration: Ads should be given in youth programmes for at least one minute i8n at least two programmes per day(Sample media selection, Class notes). Brand Dimension Brand value- Brand value is the price that the target audience is ready to pay for a brand. As Tim Tim tams standard brad logo and colour will add to the brand value. Tam is a known and popular brand people would be ready to pay $3 to $5 for this brand(The effects of advertising, class notes). Brand personality it the human aspects of a brand. Tim tams new flavours brand personality would be one of excitement and sincerity(The effects of advertising, class notes) Brand tone of voice- Brand tone of voice would be friendly, warm and playful. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Unique selling proposition is an advertising terminology where a marketer or an advertiser makes a unique proposition to the customer in order to convince the customer to choose their product among the various competing products and brands. USP may also include unique benefits or experience which brand may give to the customer(Appraising Oppurtunities and setting objectives, Class notes) Tim Tams new nixed flavour biscuit with coffee and chocolate is the USP of the new brand variation. The flavour is unique which will appeal to the target market. It can be consumed as party time as well as a tea time snack. The unique flavour gives a competitive advantage to the new biscuits range of Tim Tam as there are very few such innovations in the marker. The new flavour should be able to catch the attention of target market and curiosity amount potential customers due which they will be encouraged to buy the product. Therefore, through this new and innovative mixed flavour, Tim Tam will be able to give a unique selling proposition to the consumers. Competitors Following are the main competitors of Tim Tam biscuits and their relative competitive advantage. Competitors of Tim Tam Competitors Competitive advantage Krafts foods Ltd Strong brand name International presence Marketing and financial power Goodman Fielder Ltd Multi product brand Strong international presence Griffins Food Ltd Eye-catching packaging Good marketing methods Multiple products and flavours Source: Made by author (2017) adapted from(Amotts, 2017) Why the customers will respond positively- Customers will respond positively to this products Ad because of the uniqueness of the product offered. The product is being offered in a new flavour. Also, brand has a pull power as it one of the most popular brand of Australia(Amotts, 2017). Why the customer may not respond There is lot of competition in the biscuits and snack food marker. There are many international firms in the market. The customer may ignore or filter out information about this product. Media considerations Media should be selected as per the target audience usage and needs. That is, that media should be selected which would be viewed and seen by the target audience(Media research, Class notes) As the target audience for Tim Tams new biscuit flavour are young adults, the best media would be television. Showing frequent ads on youth channels like entertainment channels, music channels and sports channels will increase the brand awareness among the target audience. Additionally, youth magazines would be a good channel to pitch the product. Moreover, hoardings near colleges and eating joints would also attract customers(Media: a nessage delivery system, Class notes). Other media which can be used for the advertising campaign are digital and online media. As young students and professional visit social media sites and web portals, online advertising will be effective to generate awareness among them(Media: a nessage delivery system, Class notes). Production of the advertisement should be given to an advertising agency. Major brand consideration for this product is that it is a new variation in the brand hence focus should be on awareness advertising(Media: a nessage delivery system, Class notes). Another major consideration is that the product variation should augment the brand equity and not dilute it. Therefore, media selection for advertisement should be such that they enhance brand awareness, recall and purchase behaviour. Mandatory inclusions- Legal and ethical consideration Marketing and advertising of products in Australia is regulated through legal framework(Government of Australia, 2017). Therefore, Tim Tams new biscuit flavour product also needs to adhere to these legal regulations. Department of information, Innovation and Science of the Government of Australia lays down norms which prohibit advertisers from showing content that is misleading or deceptive(Government of Australia, 2017). Advertisement should show only the true nature of a product and its usage. Therefore, Tim Tams advertisement needs to focus on the actual ingredients, taste and nutritive value of the biscuit. Additionally, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission(ACCC) is the regulatory body of Government of Australia which regulates all competitive, business and trade practices(ACCC, 2017). This body regulates all marketing and advertising activities and prohibits misleading advertising(ACCC, 2017). Therefore, Tim Tams advertisement need to adhere by the codes and norms laid down by ACCC such as non-misleading advertisements, correct information about product content and other features. In addition to legal compliances there are some ethical issues as well which Tim Tams new flavour advertising should adhere to. As the advertisements would be targeted at children, the advertisements should be focused on learning and knowledge addition of children. They should not show any content which can affect the psychology of children like violence or criminal activity. Additionally, it should spread awareness of product and should not have content which misleads the youth. Moreover, it is ethically important to talk about only the true contents of the product and not use misleading information Therefore, by using the above legal and ethical framework good advertising campaign can be created for Tim Tam. Budget Advertising budget is a very essential part of the advertising expense because advertising is a revenue draining activity at the onset which is later expected to generate more revenue. Therefore, proper funds need to be allocated to all aspects of the advertising campaign. First of all a certain part of sales revenue should be kept aside for meeting the advertising expenses(Advertising brief: reasons for content, Class notes). Following is the budget of advertising campaign of Tim Tams new mixed flavour. This budget has been calculated through the objectives based method where all those activities and their expenses are worked out which are needed to meet the advertising objectives Budget of Advertisements for Tim Tam Expenses Approximate projected cost in December 2017 Campaign Development $2500 Production $7500 Media selection Television 100 Ads per week on children and sports televise channels Radio One Radio spot per day on a youth based show or celebrity interview Print Magazines Full page Ad on two youth magazine per month Total media expense $10,000 $10,000 $5000 $25,000 Monitoring and Research $5000 Agency fees $10,000 Total $50,000 Table 1: Source: Made by student (2017) This is approximate monthly expenditure for advertising of Tim Tams new flavour variety. This amount can be kept aside from sales revenue to meet the advertising budget demand Timing Proposal due dates- 18th Nov 2017 Proposal approval date: 25th Nov 2017 Final creative approval- 28th Nov 2017 Campaign launch- 1st Dec 2017 Campaign finish- 31st Dec 2017 Bibliography ACCC. (2017). Advertising and Promotion. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from https://www.accc.gov.au/business/advertising-promoting-your-business Advertising brief: reasons for content. (Class notes). Amotts. (2017). About us. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from www.arnotts.com.au/ Amotts. (2017). Tim Tam. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from www.arnotts.com.au/products/tim-tam/ Appraising Oppurtunities and setting objectives. (Class notes). Gathering an idea. (n.d.). Class notes. Government of Australia. (2017). Legal obligations of marketing. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from https://www.business.gov.au/info/plan-and-start/develop-your-business-plans/marketing/legal-obligations-of-marketing Media research. (Class notes). Media: a nessage delivery system. (Class notes). class notes. Research: Gathering information for advertisment. (class notes). Sample media selection. (Class notes). Selecting the target audiance. (Class notes). The effects of advertising. (class notes). class notes.
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