Which Topic Of The Essay Related To Racism Can Be On The Book Color Of Water
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Process of Entrainment :: essays research papers
Essay - The Dance of Life, Entrainment In a television interview, Bruce Lee said: â€Å"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water into a tea pot, it becomes the tea pot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.†He was talking about dominantly expressing ones self through martial arts by letting go of rigid styles or patterns you’ve learned, and freely adapt in combat so as to fluidly move with your opponent, as in a dance, then to â€Å"crash†into your opponent in victory. What Bruce Lee described was a state of total awareness of one’s environment so as to continuously be able to entrain one’s self to it. Edward T. Hall wrote among many things in his book, The Dance of Life, of entrainment. Entrainment is the internal process that makes syncing possible with others and the environment around us. Day to day we move from one routine to another, or one appointment to another. When we do so, we adjust ourselves from one movement to another movement. When these movements require another person or a particular environment, entrainment is present. Entrainment, whether we’re aware of it or not, is something that we do everyday with varying success. Depending on our success entraining with any particular situation, there results either a fluid transition or a turbulent one. Since not many people are martial artists and will have difficulty relating to Bruce Lee, we’ll look at the process of entrainment using a different example that most people will have some experience in. Also, since the process of entrainment varies with every individual in their various experiences, and will prove quite impossible to describe in abstract mechanics, our example will be a specific and isolated occurrence. The example will be of a student’s experience while studying. A young girl is in the school library. She goes to the library because she feels that the environment there is peaceful and tranquil, perfect for studying. She sits there silently at one of the many tables fully engulfed in the book that she’s reading. Nothing in the room disrupts her. The sound of pages being flipped at the table to her left doesn’t bother her.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
At a Watershed: Advanced nursing practice in Australia
There is no more gratifying labor in health care than nursing. The nurses have always been on the front line in a struggle for sound mankind. Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary identifies nurse as â€Å"a person trained and experienced in nursing matters and entrusted with the care of the sick and the carrying out of medical and surgical routines†(â€Å"Nurse†). This is true, but gives misdescription of this medical profession whose scope is much wider and complex.Nursing is the largest health profession in Australia. Since the middle of the 80s last century the total number of employed nurses has been relatively stable, although the occupational composition has changed: registered nurses showed growth in comparison with enrolled ones. The recent reports by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare demonstrated such a tendency (qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64).Despite of this fact we witness Australia–wide shortage of nurses, with no signs of improvement for many yea rs running (Iliffe 4). One can say that nursing practice in Australia is at a watershed of its development. The outcome would depend on what public affairs will be undertaken to overcome the present situation.The issue involves the necessity to implement advanced nursing practices, to lift up prestige of the profession, to review the system of remuneration of labor, to improve education standards as well. To find the ways to success in advanced practice of nursing in Australia we should examine its current position, indicators of quality, political and industrial contexts, and educational requirements, analyze them and make the conclusions.Making the considerable part of medical professional workers, nursing in Australia seems to form an image of health care system to a considerable degree.The community holds the Australian nurses in a high regard which reflects in â€Å"very positive public image†of this profession (Iliffe 5). But the very serious issue of shortages â€Å" in many areas of nursing, principally operating theatre, critical and intensive care, accident and emergency, cardiothoracic, neonatal care, midwifery and mental health†(qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64) contributed to some loss of health care services provide by advanced nurses due to associated excess workload combined with an ageing nursing workforce (Levett 3).For instance, â€Å"in 1998, there were 9.5 nurses per 1000 population in Australia, which is around the middle range for western European countries [†¦], but slightly more than in Canada and the USA†(Hilless and Healy 64).Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 1999 reported that the public hospitals were the largest contributors to nurses' occupancy in the Commonwealth at a rate of 47% while 82% from a total number of nurses were registered ones (qtd. in Hilless & Healy 64). That means that Australia in fact has positive result in increasing number of highly qualified professionals in nursing.The Fede ral Government recently pays much attention to this sector of health care. It defined nursing as a national priority area; provided scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education; funded the clinical component of nursing courses (Iliffe 4). But government's efforts are not sufficient to cardinally improve the situation.The latest report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has shown, that the amount of nurses workload â€Å"increased 8.9% between 1995-96 and 1999-00†(qtd. in Iliffe 4). The same report indicates that more than 50% of nurses work part–time to handle their schedule. As a result we see reducing rate of qualified nurses per 100,000 population from 1074 in 1993 to 1018 in 1999 (Iliffe 4).In the hospitals the rate of the patients per nurse reduced â€Å"from 44.6 patient discharges per FTE nurse in 1995–1996, to 49.3 in 1998–1999†(qtd. in Hilless and Healy 64).The Federal Government also set a goal to ext end the supply of nurse practitioners in rural and remote regions. Now the situation is so that primary care professional workers' number in urban and rural centers noticeably differs from those in remote territories. The government tries to encourage relocation of nurses to such territories.Health services for rural inhabitants have become the main concern for it. â€Å"More funding was announced for medical schools in rural Australia, to pay allied health professionals to work with rural general practitioners, for the establishment of specialist outreach services for rural areas, more scholarships for rural students in Australian medical schools, and programs to attract pharmacists to rural areas†(Hilless & Healy 64).The certain reducing of quality of medical services provided by the nurses due to their shortage raised the issue of indicators for advanced practice. Gavin Mooney affirms that â€Å"one of the central issues in health care is that of deciding how to value he alth†(22). Of course the high level of health is a major indicator for successful health care system.Among the key criteria of assessment of health care system its satisfactoriness for public is of great importance. Recent public opinion surveys have shown that there is disappointment among the consumers with some aspects of this system, to wit consumer costs and hospital waiting lists.â€Å"Only 18% of Australians thought the system worked well and needed only minor changes, compared with 34% feeling that way ten years ago†(Hilless and Healy 86).To achieve good quality of health care services in Australia the regulatory agencies implement high requirements to competency of nurses.They are required to maintain legal, ethical, and professional standards of nursing practice which includes, but is not limited to, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and mandatory reporting; to demonstrate accountability for maintaining current knowledge in the nurse's field of pract ice.To participate in self-evaluation and in activities to enhance life-long learning; to serve as a role model, especially in preventive care, forming public opinion and being leaders in all matters that influence health (Dobrossy 2).The licensed practical nurses have to be well–educated to meet the basic needs of the client, to give nursing care under the direction and supervision of the registered nurse or licensed physician to clients in routine nursing situations.Registered nurse should assist in implementing the nursing process while recognizing religious and cultural diversity; support patient's autonomy (Mason and Smith 12); use communication skills effectively; assist in health teaching of the client, recognizing individual differences; utilize the nursing process, as a framework for critical thinking, in providing safe, goal-directed individualized care; direct health teaching to clients.In the issue of advanced nursing practice the qualitative aspects of the nursin g care delivery process are also of great importance. â€Å"Gaining understanding and skill at balancing professional relationships while also knowing the risks of caring are critical components of providing excellent supportive care to patients and their families†(Bakke and King 182).As a manager of care, nurse should demonstrate responsibility for own actions by using common techniques of problem solving and decision making to plan and organize own assignment; recognize the need for change in a structural health care setting and demonstrate willingness to participate in effecting change (Grumbach 1518).The observance of the above mentioned requirements forms the advanced nursing practice and is under control of statutory boards throughout the Commonwealth which also are in charge of registering medical professionals (Hilless and Healy 65).The assessment of health sector performance is conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the National Health Performa nce Committee and the Australian Council on Health Care Standards. Also many state programs are devoted to elaboration and implementation of performance and outcomes. But till now the measurement of health care performance continue to be greatly complicated (qtd. in Hilless and Healy 29).
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Emily Dickinson - 1547 Words
The Poet Who Watched the World Through Her Window Brionna Gardenhire 9th Grade Honors Literature Mr. Phillip Grabowskii November 13, 2012 Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was the oldest daughter of Edward Dickinson, a successful lawyer, member of Congress, and for many years treasurer of Amherst College, and of Emily Norcross Dickinson, a timid woman. Lavinia, Dickinson’s sister, described Emily as perfectly well amp; contentedâ€â€She is a very good child amp; but little trouble. (Sewall 324) She was graduated from Amherst Academy in 1847, which was founded by her grandfather, Samuel Dickinson (Sewall, 337, Wolff, 19–21). She attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley in†¦show more content†¦This period is known as her most prolific period of writing. She also underwent treatments for a painful eye condition, now thought to be iritis, with Boston ophthalmologist Henry W. Williams. While under the doctors care (eight months in 1864, six months in 1865), she boarded with her cousins, Frances and Louisa Norcross. Those trips were to be her last out of Amherst; after her return in 1865, she rarely ventured beyond the grounds of the Homestead. In 1865, the Civil War ended, but Emily Dickinson never wrote specifically and â€Å"realistically†about the Civil War. She did however; write to Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson in February 1963 describing the war as â€Å"an oblique place†. The years of the Civil War corresponded to Dickinson’s most intense period of productivity as a poet, during which she is thought to have written roughly half of her total number of poems, and yet her precise relation to the war remains something of a puzzle. Because Dickinson is known to have a range of possible references when writing, it is difficult to say whether a particular poem was inspired by the war. Her poem â€Å"It feels a shame to be Alive-â€Å"could be about the war, but it could be a reference to one of the first letters she wrote to Thomas Higginson asking if her verse was alive. In another letter to Higginson from the winter of 1863, Dickinson included the lines from anotherShow MoreRelatedEmily Dickinson1172 Words  | 5 PagesEmily Dickinson’s works are studied by various audiences from high school students to college scholars. Even without striving to hope that her works would impact so many generations, Dickinson has influenced many generations of poets and plays a major role in the development of American Literature. Dickinson did not become famous for her works until after her death in 1886. Not only is Emily Dickinson’s work important to the study of American Literature, most of her writings were composed duringRead MoreContributions Of Emily Dickinson1045 Words  | 5 Pagesideas to flow. When alone an individual can be with their thoughts, dreams and hopes. Emily Dickinson spent years in solitude and confinement which allowed her creative juices to progress. Overtime, her ideas began appearing on paper as magnificent poems. Love, death, life, ho pe, weapons, birds, bees, flowers, and gardens are all themes used by Emily Dickinson in her poetry. It is unbelievably stunning that Dickinson gives off such beautiful imagery for someone who rarely left the house. She has connectedRead MoreEssay On Emily Dickinson1034 Words  | 5 Pagespeople didn’t remember Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was a talented poet who used her previously devastating personal experiences to enhance her poems. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10th, 1830 to Edward and Emily Dickinson in Amherst, Massachusetts. In the year 1833, her little sister Lavinia was born into the family. During February of 1852, A Valentine was published in the Springfield Republican. That was one of the first poems that she had written. Emily Dickinson was an amazing poetRead MoreEssay On Emily Dickinson1348 Words  | 6 PagesEmily Dickinson The beloved poet, Emily Dickinson lived as a recluse to become the greatest American woman poet of the 19th century. Even in such peculiar circumstances, her works remain alive as she unites people through her talent. Furthermore, her poems were not recognized until after her death, her art is now praised with its impact on society. She intrigues readers with prominent themes of life and death and its comparison to living and nonliving aspects. Dickinson’s unique background, interestingRead MoreUncovering Emily Dickinson603 Words  | 2 PagesUncovering Emily Dickinson The poem â€Å"Taking off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes†By Billy Collins, amplifies the conflict of Emily Dickinson’s inner feelings being revealed as a result of her poetry being published (Emily Dickinson wanted to keep her poetry private). 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I Heard a Fly Buzzâ€â€when I died does all that but it also perplexes the reader, making one wonder what was Emily Dickison writing about in this poem? And what is the reader supposed to take away? It begins with the tone, in the very first sentence, I heard a Fly buzzâ€â€when I diedâ€â€, there is a puzzling, almost disbelief on the part of the speaker. They can’t seem to believeRead MoreThe Works of Emily Dickinson726 Words  | 3 Pages Emily Dickinson’s writing reflects the Realistic period through personal themes: death, isolation, God, marriage, women in society, and love. Dickinson’s writing is affected by numerous factors. Among these are her family, the Realism period, and her life experiences. Emily Dickinson herself was a sort of mystery. Emily Dickinson’s background had a profound effect on her writing. Family always plays an important role in the upbringing of an individual. Her grandfather had a prominent position inRead MoreEmily Dickinson: An American Poet1793 Words  | 7 PagesEmily Dickinson is one of the most influential American authors, whose works transformed the way people view poetry and female authors. Her exceedingly complex life has proved a tremendous influence on her instrumental poetry, creating its originality and distinguishing her from other great poets of the nineteenth century. As well, her use of symbolism and imagery has continued to make her work celebrated. Although Emily Dickinson lived a private and reclusive life, full of death among many closeRead MoreSolitude Of A Poet By Emily Dickinson1545 Words  | 7 Pagesin Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson was one of three children to Edward Dickinson and his wife, Emily Dickinson. According to Pettinger, Dickinson’s r oots trace back to her Puritan ancestors from England in the 17th century, who later immigrated to America to freely exercise their religion (Pettinger, The Biography of Emily Dickinson). Dickinson was a quiet, intelligent individual, excelling in Amherst Academy, a school founded by her grandfather, Samuel Dickinson, and later the Mount Holyoke
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