Which Topic Of The Essay Related To Racism Can Be On The Book Color Of Water
Friday, September 4, 2020
Why Isnt Consciousness Empirically Observable? Emotional Purposes As Basis For Self-Organization :: Logic Philosophy
For what reason Isn't Consciousness Empirically Observable? Enthusiastic Purposes As Basis For Self-Organization Dynamic: Most forms of the information contention state that if a researcher watching my cerebrum doesn't have the foggiest idea what my cognizance 'resembles,' at that point awareness isn't indistinguishable with physical mind forms. This outlandishly likens 'physical' with 'observationally perceptible.' However, we can close just that awareness isn't indistinguishable with anything exactly discernible. All things considered, given the close association between each cognizant occasion (C) and a comparing experimentally recognizable physiological occasion (P), what P-C connection could render C exactly imperceptible? Some recommend that C is a connection among Ps which is discernable on the grounds that it is multi-feasible; that is, C could have been acknowledged by P2 as opposed to P1 and still have been a similar connection. C may even be a 'self-sorting out' process, appropriating and supplanting its own material bases. By what means would this be able to account clarify the expe rimental inconspicuousness of cognizance? Since the feelings propelling consideration bearing, halfway constitutive of marvelous states, are executed, not experienced, by life forms. Creatures self-sorting out procedures effectively appropriating their required physical foundations feel inspirations by producing them. In this manner, encountering somebody's cognizance involves executing their inspirations. That there is something experimentally imperceptible about wonderful cognizance follows from an adjusted information contention. Conventional variants (Jackson 1986; Robinson 1982; Noren 1979) hold that in the event that encountering were comparable with physical mind states, at that point total experimental information on cerebrum states ought to establish information on everything about my encountering; however complete observational information on mind states would not comprise information on everything about encountering (those by themselves wouldn't uncover 'what it resembles' to have that experience); subsequently, encountering isn't proportional with physical cerebrum states. This contention can be reprimanded for unjustifiably expecting that everything 'physical' is experimentally discernible (from an experimenter's point of view). E.g., Jackson accept that the 'what it's as isn't' perspective expressible in physical language (291), yet the explanation behind allowing this su pposition that will be that 'what it resembles' is inconceivable as far as conceivable experimental perceptions. Without the presumption that everything 'physical' is exactly detectable, we can finish up, not that cognizance is non-physical (since there may be 'physical' forms that are observationally difficult to reach), however just that awareness isn't indistinguishable with anything experimentally discernible. All things considered, given the close association between each cognizant occasion (C) and a comparing observationally recognizable physiological occasion (P), what P-C relationship could render C exactly inconspicuous? In the event that indistinguishable, they ought to be similarly discernible. I.e., on the off chance that P Â ® EO and C Â ® not-EO, at that point PÂ ¹C.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effects of Amphetamine on Locomotor Activity free essay sample
Theory Stewart and Badiani (1993) appear in their exploration that resilience may create to a specific impact of a medication while simultaneously likewise becomeâ sensitisedâ to another impact †could be somewhat more clear here. The investigation additionally found that resilience and refinement can be modified when given in various settings, for instance the desire for the medication and the purpose behind taking the medication. Another bit of writing that shows sharpening is the exploration done by Badiani, Browman, and Robinson (1994). In addition to the fact that it looks at the refinement of a medication, yet additionally how when taken in a novelâ environmentâ compared to a homeâ environmentâ can change how much the body has been sharpened. The examination found that when the subjects were administrated the medications in a novelâ environment, the pace of sharpening wasâ significantlyâ higher †going somewhat off theme here. Maybe ought to have focussed much more on the impact of expanded dosages of a medication on sensitisation. We will compose a custom exposition test on Impacts of Amphetamine on Locomotor Activity or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In conclusion, Cado, Bjijou and Stinus (1995) researched on proof of a total autonomy of the neurobiological substrates for the acceptance and articulation of conduct sharpening to amphetamine. They found that rehashing the amphetamine organization in rodents, the more behaviouralâ sensitizationâ would happen. This was appeared in the rodents expanded locomotor movement after the medication had been administrated. These past bits of writing all give a type of refinement to a rehashed, or expanded measure of a medication. What is the point? Continuously express this first before the theory The primary speculation is that the rodent will have less locomotor action when given measurements of saline then the rodents who are given the amphetamine I. e. there will be a cooperation among saline and medication gatherings. The subsequent theory is that the subjects who were pretreated with amphetamine will deliver progressively locomotor action with the measurements of amphetamine on day 8 of the investigation. This shows the rodents who have been given the amphetamine during day 1-5 (pretreated) will be progressively sharpened to the medication (in day 8) than the rodents who were just given saline. Technique Design Experimental structure was utilized, with a solitary autonomous variable, (rewarded and not rewarded rodents, just as the dose given) and ward variable (the aggregate sum of locomotor actvity made by the rat on every one of the days tried). Subjects The subjects were Sprague-Dawley male rodents, weighing between 250-350g. The subjects were reared at Victoria Univeristy in Wellington, New Zealand and were at first housed two by two and afterward housed separately in a temperature-(21? C) and moistness (55%) controlled room. The settlement was kept up on a 12-hr light/dim cycle with lights on at 0700. Food and water were accessible not indispensable aside from during testing periods. Research facility creature care standards of the Victoria University of Wellington Animal Breeding Facility were followed, and the Victoria University of Wellington Animal Ethics Committee affirmed all conventions Apparatus Eight open field chambers (450mm x 450mm; Med Associates (ENV-515) Vermont, USA) outfitted with four banks of 16 photocells on every one of the interior dividers of the chamber were utilized to quantify flat velocity. Photocells were set at 25mm over the floor of the chamber and separated equally at 25mm revolves around the fringe. The open field boxes were interfaced with a PC and information were acquired utilizing Med Associates programming. Every action chamber was encased in sound lessening boxes (Med partners; Vermont USA). A shaft ‘box’ was pre-set including a 3 x 3 bar square (50mm x 50mm). Development outside of this ‘box’ broke the bars and comprised one locomotor check. Strategy All testing was directed during the light cycle. A red house light was lit up during testing and repetitive sound additionally persistently present to veil unessential unsettling influences. Preceding and after each locomotor movement test, the chamber insides were cleaned and cleaned with Virkon ‘S’ disinfectant (Southern Veterinary Supplies, NZ). Rodents were housed independently and were gauged and dealt with every day, multi week preceding the initiation of all tests Days 1-5: Rats were moved day by day from their home confines to the locomotor action room and set into the center of the open field chambers. Locomotor action was recorded for 30 minutes, recording was then delayed while rodents were regulated medication or saline and action was recorded for an extra an hour. Day 8 Rats were moved from their home confines to the locomotor action room and put into the center of the open field chambers. Locomotor action was recorded for 30 minutes, recording was then delayed while rodents were directed medication or saline. All out locomotor movement tallies were utilized for the staying an hour of testing. Results This examination was aâ betweenâ group test investigation of difference. ANOVA was utilized to think about the normal measure of locomotor acitivity by the rodents who had been given saline just as amphetamine, and afterward the normal measure of locomotor action created by the rats on day 8 to check whether the rodents had beenâ sensitised to the rehashed utilization of the medication. The ANOVA showed F(3,64) = 4. 523, p=. 006 with subjects who had been pretreated with saline (M=1876. 71, SD=2065. 86) which had a fundamentally lower measure of locomotor action contrasted with the subjects who had been treated with amphetamine (M=5335. 42, SD=5172. 9). †This sentence could be introduced better. It would be ideal if you allude to the SPSS purple course book for an example. There’s no notice of the impact of portion nor the impact of pre-treatment. You’ve just referenced the fundamental association between pre-treatment and portion. A Turky post-hoc test was utilized to discover the cooperations between the measurements controlled. This indicated a factual criticalness between pretreatment of saline and treatment on day 8 of amphetamine, while the higher the measurements given of amphetamine in the pretreatment, the higher the mean measure of ocomotor action on day 8. †I’m not certain what you mean by this? It was a carefully between bunches plan and this seems like you’re accepting that the rodents that were pre-rewarded with saline were controlled with the medication on testing day when they weren’t. What did the post-hoc tests state about the individual portions This shows the speculations were both right. The measure of locomotor movement increased when the subjects were given amphetamine, this is likewise app eared in the Badiani, Browman, and Robinson (1994) examine. Their dataâ showedâ a indicatedâ sensitizationâ to the medications, additionally the rate ofâ sensitizationâ became higher when placed in a novelâ environment. The outcomes given in the present examination, do show the impact of pretreatment utilizing the medication amphetamine, the higher the dose of amphetamine, the more locomotor movement was recorded on day 8. This shows sensitisation was a factor, on day 1-5 rodents were treated with various doses of the medication and saline. The expanded measure of medication appeared on day 8 when the locomotor action was at its most noteworthy rate. Different investigations, for example, Cador, Bjijou and Stinus (1995) likewise show that repeatedâ administrationâ of amphetamine increments conduct refinement, which is appeared by the measure of locomotor movement delivered by the rodents after the dose. †The understanding could have been sketched out more obviously. Additionally there ought to have been a different conversation segment to talk about the outcomes back to the theory.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Pianist Essay
‘The Pianist’ is a realistic artful culmination by the Polish chief Roman Polanski. One of the key thoughts that show up all through a significant part of the film is that of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’. This thought is depicted through Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish piano player, as he battles for endurance in Warsaw as everyone that he once knew and everything that he once had is lost. The possibility of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’ merits finding out about as it permits the crowd to understand the significance of expectation in todays society †and to see how Polanski utilizes music to represent ‘hope’ for Szpilman in the film.Polanski adequately uses a variety of visual and oral content highlights, for example, music, discourse, and lighting to construct further accentuation on this topic. ‘The Pianist’ is a legitimate portrayal of the occasions that happened during the Holocaust, throug h the eyes of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Jewish professional piano player living in Warsaw, Poland. As the film begins we see him in a radio studio wonderfully playing the piano. Be that as it may, at that point the tanks begin shooting, the bombs begin falling, and the studio is harmed. He can no longer maintain a strategic distance from the quickly heightening circumstance. Germany is attacking his homeland.His time as a professional piano player and radio entertainer has reached an abrupt conclusion. The principal half of the film centers around the effect of the war on him and his family’s lives and the enduring of others, while the subsequent half absolutely spins around Szpilman’s battle for endurance and the expectation in which he draws from music. Polanski intensely underlines this thought, getting over the message that Szpilman would not be alive if were not for the expectation wherein he holds to †regardless of whether now and again if on occasion it is by a minor string. The most clear element used to improve the possibility of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’ is that of music.After being compelled to abandon his family and living in disconnection with his endurance being addressed consistently, it is maybe just the musings of music that keep Szpilman going. This is thought turns out to be progressively clear when Szpilman finds a piano in one of the pads he is stowing away in. He can't play since he will part with himself so we rather watch his fingers move over the air over the piano’s keys as while the sound plays in his mind and too the watcher. All through the film we likewise observe Szpilman professing to play the piano as he taps his finger over his legs.It is minutes, for example, these that help to keep up Szpilman’s readiness to make due by keeping quiet, yet in addition how piano gives fills him with the expectation that is instrumental in his endurance. In different scenes, for example, when a German official approaches Szpilman to play piano for him, and permits him to live as a result of his gigantic ability we start to understand that Szpilman’s trust †music, doesn't just assistance him to endure intellectually, yet in addition truly as he can share the blessing that he needs to other people. It is additionally essential to take note of that Polanski just music by the Polish arranger, Chopin is utilized all through ‘The Pianist’.His miserable and suggestive music brings upon a dismal mind-set, yet one with a trace of expectation and with this, the executive can all the more distinctively express his thoughts a way that exchange or activity can't. Another oral element utilized all through the movie to communicate the director’s thought of ‘hope being instrumental to our survival’ is exchange. While Szpilman’s activities are generally used to communicate the director’s thoughts, there are numerous occasio ns where exchange is utilized viably to communicate them. In one scene around 33% of the path into the film, Mr. Lipa, a businessperson comes round to the Szpilman’s family’s house to make a proposal on their piano.The lion's share of the family think the measure of cash he is offering for such a wonderful piano is foolish, yet when he says, â€Å"2,000 and my recommendation is to take it. What will you do when you’re hungry? Eat the piano? †Szpilman goes to the acknowledgment that while music is the thing that he needs to endure intellectually, it is in reality food that he needs to endure genuinely and acknowledge this offer. Starting here in the film onwards, Polanski recognizes physical endurance from mental endurance for Szpilman and starts to implement the possibility of ‘hope is instrumental to our survival’.We discover that Szpilman will go to all endeavors to endure, appeared with exchange, â€Å"[taking off his watch] Here, sell t his. Food is a higher priority than time†however it is his expectation that he will one day have the option to play piano again and be glad that is instrumental to his endurance. This is indicated later in the film when a German Officer asks him what he’s going to do when the war is finished and he answers, â€Å"Play piano again†. It is the straightforward, however successful utilization of exchange, for example, this that copy reasonable circumstances in contrast with the Hollywood showy behavior utilized in different movies that build up a misrepresented, dreary atmosphere.Lighting is another visual component that is utilized to acceptable impact to underline trust being instrumental in (Szpilman’s) endurance. During the time half of the film, where Szpilman is caught inside isolation †with the expectation wherein he clutches hanging by the string; Polanski utilizes dim and out of date hues with a pale blue tint that joined make an extremely bizar re and forsaken climate. While the dim out of date lighting obviously depicts Szpilman’s cynicism, it is the pale blue tint clear that resembles the ‘silver lining’ and shows the watcher the expectation that Szpilman is as yet hanging on to.In one specific scene, where Szpilman plays piano without precedent for months to a Nazi Officer, moonlight with the unmistakable blue tint is thrown over the piano and his hands as he plays. Polanski makes this impact to make the connection for the crowd that music is the expectation that has been instrumental to his (Szpilman’s) endurance and is the little string that he has been clinging to when everyone he knows and everything that he once had has been taken from him.In the film ‘The Pianist’, Polanski adequately utilized the utilization of the visual and oral highlights: music, discourse and lighting to more readily convey his concept of ‘hope being instrumental in our survival’. These thr ee highlights meet up to permit the crowd to genuinely understand the significance of expectation being the sole factor that keeps Szpilman alive, and that his expectation is represented through music. Polanski so skilfully utilizes these highlights to show instead of tell the significance of this thought and through this it is little marvel that the film is viewed as a cutting edge exemplary.
Thermodynamics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thermodynamics - Speech or Presentation Example For example, a turning flywheel moving has a ‘rotational energy’ which may likewise be dealt with an active vitality. When a brake is applied to stop it, at that point the flywheel stops the second its motor vitality is changed over to potential vitality which the gadget stores from the past condition of movement. Above all else, an inner vitality of a thermodynamic framework relates to the aggregate of all the minuscule vitality structures. Thus, regardless of whether the liquid is very still in a tank, it might have an inward vitality, for example, as for its situation in the tank (for example elevation/range from the beginning), mass, and the impact of gravity ‘g’ which out and out makes a potential vitality for the liquid. Q1.4c A m3 of air at B bar is extended in a chamber until the volume is C m3. Ascertain the last weight and the work done if the development is polytropic and n = 1.4. In the event that the temperature before extension is Dâ ° C and Cv = 245 J/kg-K, Find the warmth vitality moved during this procedure. Use R = 810 J/kg-K and draw a P/V chart for the procedure. Utilize your individual qualities for the above computations. Fills of low quality may add to harsh motor activity. When considering update in the fuel standard to improve motor execution, one must consider the fuel attributes which ought to be diminished or freed of inordinate high or low instability, contaminants, development of gum, and deficient octane. Fundamentally, warm productivity alludes to the distinction between the vitality substance of the fuel devoured and the helpful force extricated from the motor. A decent warm proficiency is unified with high pressure proportion and where powers utilized are incredibly calorific or at vitality a lot bigger than motor force under extraction so this distinction is identical to the vitality of burning that is changed over to mechanical work which
Saturday, July 11, 2020
How to Write an AP Synthesis Essay Using Invasive Species Samples
How to Write an AP Synthesis Essay Using Invasive Species SamplesIf you want to write an AP Synthesis Essay, you will find it helpful to purchase a variety of invasive species samples, including these interesting ornamental plants. These samples can prove to be really helpful in the essay writing process. It can also help the reader to understand your perspective on the issue that you are writing about. In fact, you can even offer examples of other perspectives you may have as well.You can choose from examples wildlife samples, flora and fauna, and plants. Regardless of your level of expertise, these samples will benefit you greatly. As you will be able to access all types of samples through the internet, this is an excellent opportunity to get started with an essay. There are so many benefits for your research.First, the format of the essays can vary depending on the length and specificity of the information. For instance, if you are writing about a specific location or event, you c an choose to use a different type of sample. In fact, you can find samples on your own site if you would like to visit that location.These samples can be valuable for those interested in a natural history related topic, whether they are in biology anthropology, psychology, or any other subject. The general format for the essays is to answer the questions in the thesis statement. This will help you develop an understanding of what the topic is about.Answering questions on species samples is very important. The reader needs to know how you view a particular species. By supplying a sample in which you actually have firsthand knowledge, you will be able to show the reader that you know more than the average student or researcher.As you answer the questions, you will also be able to provide specifics for the unique facts and observations that you are providing in the specific species samples. Furthermore, the information will be much more specific than a generic outline. This will create a much more personal experience for the reader.The question about the issue will become a greater focus as you incorporate population trends. The issues surrounding the topic will become more thought out and defined as you begin to introduce the issue at hand. You will find that your essay will be much more focused and your writing style will become better.You can find invasive species samples on your own site, but you may also find them from specialized resources. If you do find it, make sure you read the bio-data that accompany the samples so you will have the most benefit from the sample itself.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Chinas Historic Transformation from a Dynasty to Communism - Free Essay Example
China as a regional power in Asia carried the reputation as The Middle Kingdom as its name literally translates. This reflects the historical position of power China held in the region. This enabled the nation to greatly influence the political affairs of other countries in the region. This status of power of power that China had in the days of its Glory as The Middle Kingdom is is particularly synonymous with that Ancients Romes influence on the European continent. The Chinese were able to reinforce their dominance by establishing themselves as culturally, ethnically, and religiously superior to their neighbors. This tactic was, in fact, customary for every major civilization of the past as well as those of present. This ideology was perpetuated by every sitting emperor of The Middle Kingdom and remained central to the Chinese identity and perception of the changing world around them. This attitude would eventually lead to their ensuing calamity and subsequent downfall but not before theyve enjoyed great success trading with the West. Early into the 18th century, The Middle Kingdom prospered tremendously in their trade relations with Europe leading into rapidly growing economies in both sides. This success came during the Qing dynasty. In the terms of the trade, the Chinese government mandated silver as the only material of value to be traded for commodities with the western powers. This would go on for years until the British silver reserves were almost deplenished. This particular trade deficit would have the British East India company restrategize its trading terms with China with the introduction of opium otherwise Heroin for silver into the Chinese economy. This was essentially done to reverse the transference of precious metals back to the British reserves. The opium trade would official kick off in the year 1719 with about 200 chests and a 200 percent increase later in the year 1838, essentially amounting to 40000 chests. Each chest of opium would account for 63kg of the addictive substance. This would pr ove to be catastrophic for the Chinese economy as thousands of hours would be lost in productivity thereby severely inhibiting economic success and industrial output. The populace would be hooked on the drug and China was now running out of silver itself. Later in the year 1839, the sitting emperor, Daoguang, would have had enough the madness going on in his country. He imposed an import ban on the British opium which also resulted in the destruction of tons of the drug. This act would infuriate the British Kingdom that would later take up arms. Little did Daoguang know that his action would cause a political uproar against his government. The British Kingdom responded aggressively with its Navy that was sent to China to demand compensation for the loss of trade and economic deprivation. This conflict would escalate to what is now commonly regarded as the opium wars. The Chinese Navy was no match for the British counterpart and they lost the war. The Chinese would later cede the island of Hong Kong to the British and in an interesting twist, post first opium war, the import of opium increased by more than 350 percent from the initial 200 chests to an astonishing 70000 chests. Perspectively, this number can be equated to the total heroin traded between the start of the millennium and 2010. The humiliation served by the British Navy to their Chinese counterpart was brought about by only 44 battle-ready ships. This perceived vulnerability of the Chinese army would leave them under potential threats. It did in fact, lead to the second opium war which let the French and Americans gain several additional trading ports which gave them unrestricted access to The Middle Kingdom. This would also result in the annexation of the Northeastern regions of China by their far eastern neighbors, Russia, as todays Vladivostok and Sakhalin Island. With opium also came Christianity. Smaller European nations would also attempt to subjugate China by carving up a coalition in Asia. This placed China on the limelight as they became a thing of ridicule. The aggression of the small European nations would later force the Qing dynasty to cede the port City of Macau for an indefinite amount of time to the Portuguese. Following these events, China would suffer what is known as the Yellow River Flood that ended up claiming the life of an estimated 1 million people with over 2 million more without shelter and basic amenities. A pandemic and famine ensued throughout The Middle Kingdom shortly after that escalated and cause a particularly historic social unrest which resulted in the more aggression from the Korean Peninsula. During this period, China would experience a severe form of social unrest. Later in the years 1894 and 1895, the ruling Qing dynasty would lose influence over the Korean Peninsula and subsequently Taiwan. This period would be followed by the First Sino-Japanese War where the Japanese troops of about 240t,000 would deal a great blow to the 630,000 strong Chinese military. A historic defeat, this would lead to The Middle Kingdom ceding both Taiwan and the Korean peninsula in Perpetuity. Later in the year 1899, the Chinese civilians from the boxer rebellion would take up arms to brin g the spread western religious identity and Chinas enslavement to an end. The former ultimately became analogous to foreign presence. The rebellion rallied around the now emboldened Empress Cixi in Beijing to support her will to retake the kingdom. The boxer militia became united in their course under the rule of the Empress and she seized the opportunity and ultimately declared war on the countries that threatened the sovereignty of The Middle Kingdom and the dynasty. These countries include Germany, Japan, France, Russia, United States, Italy, Austria, and the United Kingdom. The Empresss plan, however, failed and the western coalition quickly brought the kingdoms imperial army to its heels. The result was particularly dramatic and some of the biggest cities of Beijing and Tianjin continued to remain occupied for what seemed like forever. The coalition wreaked havoc on these cities and against the local dwellers. The atrocities committed was beyond overwhelming for ruling dynasty. It seemed the realm was coming to an ultimate downfall. Later in the year 1912, the last imperial dynasty would be overthrown in a revolution wherein the emperor was made to abdicate his throne and The Middle Kingdom would begin the process of transformation to a democratic system of governance. Sun Yat-Sen would assume the position as the first democratically elected president of the Republic. However, this progress would be short-lived given that after about 30 years, thered be an uprising from the regional warlords thatd connive against the central government. Sun who let the ruling Kuomintang party, would come up with the initiative of unifying the revolutionary groups which included the co mmunist party as one coalition as they shared the same principles. Sun presidential tenure would come to an end in 1925 and shortly after, the formed alliance of the communist party and the Kuomintang came crumbling down and this development would result in a civil war. Russia and China would take advantage of this situation and violate the Chinese sovereignty by launching an attack in the Manchuria regions while the Chinese government sought to settle its internal conflict. This was all in the 1930s and in the same period, China would be plagued with an episode of severe flooding that left over 4 million people dead. Mao who was the leader of the communist party at the time was faced with the challenge of consolidating power and bringing the entire internal and external conflict to a halt while threatened with extinction by the opposition, The Kuomintang. This presented a challenge as Mao Zedong and his forces were further driven east while the country remained mostly unattended to. Fast forward later in the year 1937, Japan that was on an expansionist agenda at the time would invade the rest of China that was under the control of the The Kuomintang and vulnerable due to the ongoing conflicts the Chinese government was involved in. The Japanese forces dealt a severe blow on The Kuomintang killing 300,000 Chinese forces and citizenry. This famously became known as the Nanking massacre which markedly changed the relations between the government of China and Tokyo. Later in the year 1940, Chinas luck would would turn for the better when Mao Zedong would find a new footing in challenging the status q uo by using the economic disparity amongst the Chinese citizenry to his advantage. He had the poor peasants from the eastern region to take on military ranks and formulate an actual army that was capable of standing up to western aggression. Mao was able to achieve his goal of sending the The Kuomintangs leader and his loyals off the Chinese Mainland to the Island of Taiwan. They were also able to challenge the Japanese aggression and had them packing in no time as well. The Kuomintang vacated the Mainland of China with over two million people who continued to maintain the identity of China while Mao Zedong declared the Mainland of China as The Peoples Republic of China. Under Maos government, a lot of reforms were introduced but the one that particularly struck a cord was the Great Leap Forward. This policy was essentially established to revitalise the Chinese economy with industrialization at the forefront of this effort in rural areas. The government put an end to subsistence farming and seized all the farmland and had millions of people relocated from the agriculture industry to work in Chinas growing heavy machinery industry. The agricultural industry output would fall as a result and The Communist Party representative were forced to overstate the actual output of the agriculture sector. This would lead to a five year long famine. The famine was severe and spread like wildfire claiming the lives of an estimated 23 to 55 million people. This brought Maos Great Leap Forward initiative to an abrupt halt which subsequently and steadily led to an economic decline that lasted for over two decades. These series of unfortunate events made people questio n Mao Zedongs leadership capabilities. This would lead to his temporary marginalization from the Chinese ruling elite who later requested him stepping down from his position as the overseer of The Peoples Republic of China. He, however, continued to enjoy significance as the symbol and face of the Republic. He essentially took a break while The Communist party general secretary, Deng Xiaoping took control over the governance of the nation and sought to roll back some of the failures of Maos Great Leap initiative. Later in the year 1966, Mao Zedong would launch a comeback against his political party with a quest to rid the party of his rivals and was able to accomplish this be introducing revolution in perpetuity. This way, he was able to launch a cultural revolution by galvanizing citizens of a lower socioeconomic status, including students, soldiers, mobilizing the lot of them to do bidding for restoring his position as the chairperson of The Communist Party and subsequently regaining control of the Peoples Republic of China. This movement became known as the Red Guards and they were brutal in their quest as they rounded up millions of targeted citizens rounding them up to reeducation camps in remote areas of China. The people rounded up included teachers, intellectuals and anyone that stood against the cultural revolution. Mao Zedong later consolidated power in all of China for a second time till his death in 1976. Maos legacy would continue to outlive him for most of the 20th century despite efforts by his successors to undo some of his work. The Communist Partys image essentially revolved around the era of opium wars; a period that was referred to as the century of Humiliation. This period of humiliation was essentially in the shaping the of Chinas geopolitics and perception of their immediate neighbors and the international community as a whole. It was also such that a total of 21 historic documentations were officiated during the Chinas opium saga as the Unfair treaties. This dark history has thereby caused most of the lawmakers in Beijing to have a distrust of the western civilization outside of it geopolitic space and has nurtured the idea of emulating the west its main adversary in order to be able to counter their plans if there were to ever be an attack on their sovereignty again. Chinas. however, focused on its geoeconomics objective which it believes will help it grow its sphere of influence and make new allies as opposed to taking an aggressive military stance like its counterparts in the west do. This is, however, unlikely to remain the status quo as China has taken a rather emboldened approach with what is a supposedly newfound expansionist mindset as they continue to lay territorial claims around Asia threatening their original geoeconomics objective. These latest steps taken by Beijing under the current Xi Jinping have been perceived by potential allies as an aggressive posture and has been condemned by the international community as a violation of international laws.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Alphabetical French-English False Cognates A Words
One of the great things about learning French or English is that many words have the same roots in the Romance languages and English. However, there are also a great many faux amis, or false cognates, which look similar but have different meanings. This is one of the biggest pitfalls for students of French. There are also semi-false cognates, or words that can only sometimes be translated by the similar word in the other language. This alphabetical list includes hundreds of French-English semi-false cognates, with explanations of what each word means and how it can be correctly translated into the other language. To avoid confusion due to the fact that some of the words are identical in the two languages, the French word is followed by (F) and the English word is followed by (E). Abandon (F) vs Abandon (E) Abandon (F) is a noun that means abandonment, desertion, neglect, or giving up. It can also mean abandon, especially with a verb: danser avec abandon  to dance with abandon. Abandonner  to abandon.Abandon (E)  abandon. Habiletà © (F) vs Ability (E) Habiletà ©Ã‚ (F) refers to a skill, cleverness, a talent, or a skillful move.Ability (E) is a similar but weaker term, translatable by une aptitude, une capacità ©, or une compà ©tence. Abus (F) vs Abuse (E) Abus (F) can mean abuse, excess, or injustice.Abuse (E)  abus, while verbal abuse is des injures or insultes. Abuser (F) vs Abuse (E) Abuser (F) means to exploit, abuse, take advantage of, deceive, or mislead. Sabuser means to be mistaken or to delude oneself.Abuse (E) can be translated by abuser, injurier, insulter, or maltraiter. Accà ©der (F) vs Accede (E) Accà ©der (F) means to reach, attain, get to, access.Accede (E) has three different meanings. (1) to agree/accept: agrà ©er, accepter. (2) to take on a new position: entrer en possession/fonction. (3) to join: adhà ©rer, se joindre. Accidentà ©(F) vs Accidental (E) Accidentà ©Ã‚ (F) can be an adjective: hilly, undulating, or damaged; or a noun: casualty, injured person. Accidenter means to injure or damage.Accidental (E) means accidentel (bad) or fortuit (good). Achà ¨vement (F) vs Achievement (E) Achà ¨vement (F) refers to the completion or culmination of something.Achievement (E) has a more positive sense of attaining something that was sought after: exploit, rà ©ussite, accomplissement. Achever (F) vs Achieve (E) Achever (F) usually means to finish, end, complete, reach. It can also be more figurative: to finish off, destroy, kill.Achieve (E)  accomplir, rà ©aliser, atteindre. Acompte (F) vs Account (E) Acompte (F) refers to a deposit, down payment, or installment.Account (E) un compte. Action (F) vs Action (E) Action (F) can mean action as well as act or a share of stock.Action (E)  action or effet. Actuellement (F) vs Actually (E) Actuellement (F) means at the present time, and should be translated as currently or right now. Je travaille actuellement  I am currently working. A related word is actuel, which means present or current: le problà ¨me actuel the current/present problem.Actually (E) means in fact and should be translated as en fait or à vrai dire. Actually, I dont know him - En fait, je ne le connais pas. Actual means real or true, and depending on the context can be translated as rà ©el, và ©ritable, positif, or concret: The actual value  la valeur rà ©elle. Adepte (F) vs Adept (E) Adepte (F) is a noun: follower or enthusiast.Adept (E) is an adjective: compà ©tent or expert. Addition (F) vs Addition (E) Addition (F) can refer to addition, a sum, or a restaurant check or bill.Addition (E) une addition, une augmentation, or un surcroà ®t. Ado (F) vs Ado (E) Ado (F) is an apocope of adolescentâ€â€teen or teenager.Ado (E) is a somewhat rare word that is equivalent to agitation or bruit (figuratively) Adresse (F) vs Address (E) Adresse (F) can refer to a mailing, email, or spoken address or to deftness, skill, or dexterity.Address (E) une adresse or un discours. Affaire (F) vs Affair (E) Affaire (F) can mean business, matter, deal, transaction, or scandal.Affair (E) is the equivalent of affaire only in the sense of an event or concern. A love affair is une liaison, une affaire damour, or une aventure amoureuse. Affluence (F) vs Affluence (E) Affluence (F) is a crowd of people: Il y avait une affluence attendant à la porte  There were crowds waiting at the door.Affluence (E) indicates a lot of something (usually wealth): Theres an affluence of information here  Il y a une abondance dinformation ici. His affluence is obvious  Sa richesse est à ©vidente. Agenda (F) vs Agenda (E) Agenda (F) refers to a datebook.Agenda (E) means lordre du jour or le programme. Agonie (F) vs Agony (E) Agonie (F) refers to death pangs or mortal agony.Agony (E) means severe physical or mental pain, but not necessarily just this side of death: angoisse, supplice. Agrà ©able (F) vs Agreeable (E) Agrà ©able (F) means pleasant or nice when describing a thing, such as the weather or situation. Its not used to describe people other than in the construction à ªtre agrà ©able de sa personne to be pleasant-looking/personable.Agreeable (E) does not normally mean agrà ©able, but rather in agreement, which doesnt have an exact equivalent in French. Im agreeable to doing it  Je le ferai volontiers. If thats agreeable/acceptable  Sil ny a pas dinconvà ©nient, Si cela vous convient. Agrà ©ment (F) vs Agreement (E) Agrà ©ment (F) refers to charm, attractiveness, or pleasantness.Agreement (E)  accord or harmonie. Aimer (F) vs Aim (E) Aimer (F) means to like or to love.Aim (E) can be a noun: but, visà ©es; or a verb: braquer, pointer, viser. Allà ©e (F) vs Alley (E) Allà ©e (F) is a generic term for any sort of road or path: lane, path, avenue, driveway, etc. It can also refer to an aisle.Alley (E) une ruelle. Allure (F) vs Allure (E) Allure (F) normally refers to speed or pace: Rouler à  toute allure  to drive at full speed. It can also refer to an appearance or look. Allures refers to behavior or ways.Allure (E) indicates charm or attrait. Altà ©rer (F) vs Alter (E) Altà ©rer (F) can mean alter, but it nearly always has a negative connotation: distort, falsify, tamper with, spoil, debase.Alter (E)  changer, modifier, transformer, etc. Amateur (F) vs Amateur (E) Amateur (F) is a semi-false cognate. It can mean amateur in the sense of non-professional, but it can also mean a lover of something: un amateur dart  an art lover.Amateur (E) refers to someone who dabbles in a trade or activity: an amateur photographer: un amateur de photographie. Amitià © (F) vs Amity (E) Amitià ©Ã‚ (F) is the generic French word for friendship.Amity (E) is used more specifically to mean peaceful relations between nations  concorde or bons rapports. Ancien (F) vs Ancient (E) Ancien (F) can mean old in the sense of not young as well as in the sense of former: mon ancien professeur  my old (former) teacher, mon professeur ancien  my old (aged) teacher. Learn more about adjectives.Ancient (E) means antique or trà ¨s vieux. Animation(F) vs Animation (E) Animation (F) is much more general in French than in English. In addition to animation, life, liveliness, it can also refer to cultural or sports activities as well as leadership.Animation (E) means animation or vivacità ©. Antique (F) vs Antique (E) Antique (F) as an adjective means antique or ancient. As a noun, it refers to antiquity or classical art/style.Antique (E) means the same an adjective, but as a noun it refers to une antiquità ©, un objet dart ancien, or un meuble ancien. Apologie (F) vs Apology (E) Apologie (F) has three different meanings. The original meaning of defense or plea is related to the judiciary meaning of vindication or justification. The current and most common meaning is praise.Apology (E) les excuses. Appareil (F) vs Apparel (E) Appareil (F) is an apparatus, device, or appliance.Apparel (E) is an out-dated term for clothing: habillement. Are (F) vs Are (E) Are (F) refers to an area of one hundred square meters.Are (E) is a conjugation of to be (à ªtre): we are (nous sommes), you are (vous à ªtes), they are (ils sont). Argument (F) vs Argument (E) Argument (F) is a semi-false cognate. It means argument in the sense of a mathematical or philosophical argument. Also: argument massue  sledgehammer blow; argument publicitaire  advertising claim; argument de vente  selling point.Argument (E) is une discussion, une conversation, un dà ©bat, or une dispute. Arriver (F) vs Arrive (E) Arriver (F) can mean to arrive or to happen, while arriver à verb means to succeed in doing or to manage to do something.Arrive (E) is translated by arriver. Arroser (F) vs Arose (E) Arroser (F) means to water or spray.Arose (E) is the past participle of arise: survenir, se prà ©senter, sà ©lever. Assistance (F) vs Assistance (E) Assistance (F) is a semi-false cognate. Its primary meaning is audience.Assistance (E) indicates help or aid. Assister (F) vs Assist (E) Assister (F) is nearly always followed by à  and means to attend something: Jai assistà © à la confà ©rence I attended (went to) the conference.Assist (E) means to help or aid someone or something: I assisted the woman into the building  Jai aidà ©Ã‚ la dame à  entrer dans limmeuble. Assumer (F) vs Assume (E) Assumer (F) only means to assume in the sense of taking on responsibility or assuming control. It also means to hold a job or fulfill a role.Assume (E) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to assumer, it can also mean supposer or prà ©sumer. Assurance (F) vs Assurance (E) Assurance (F) refers to self-confidence or insurance in addition to assurance.Assurance (E) means assurance or conviction. Attendre (F) vs Attend (E) Attendre (F) à means to wait for: Nous avons attendu pendant deux heures  We waited for two hours.Attend (E) is translated by assister (see above): I attended the conference  Jai assistà © à la confà ©rence. Audience (F) vs Audience (E) Audience (F) is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the meaning of the English word, it can signify: Votre audience, sil vous plaà ®t  Your attention, please. Ce projet a une large audience - This project has a lot of attention. Donner audience à quelquun  To meet with / listen to someone. Une audience publique  A public meeting.Audience (E) is a group of spectators or listeners. Avertissement (F) vs Advertisement (E) Avertissement (F) is a warning or caution, from the verb avertir  to warn.Advertisement (E) is une publicità ©, une rà ©clame, or un spot publicitaire.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Using the Rare Apostrophe in Spanish
The apostrophe is almost never used in modern Spanish. Its use is limited to words of foreign origin (usually names) and, very rarely, poetry or poetic literature, such as palante. Spanish students should not imitate the common uses of the apostrophe in English. Foreign Words Me siento vieja. Pero, cest la vie. I feel old. But such is life.Un jack-o-lantern es una calabaza tallada a mano, asociada a la festividad de Halloween. A jack-o-lantern is a pumpkin carved by hand and associated with Halloween festivities.Sinà ©ad Marie Bernadette OConnor es una cantante nacida en Dublà n, Irlanda. Sinà ©ad Marie Bernadette OConnor is a singer born in Dublin, Ireland.McDonalds ofrece una gran variedad de alimentos de alta calidad. McDonalds offers a big variety of high-quality foods. Note that in all the above cases the words would be recognized as being of foreign origin. In the first two cases, the use of the words with apostrophes would be seen as a Gallicism and Anglicism, respectively. Literature and Poetry The apostrophe can occasionally be found in centuries-old poetry or literature as a way of showing that letters have been omitted. Such use is very rarely found in modern writing, and then only for literary effect. Nuestras vidas son los rà os / que van a dar en la mar, / ques el morir. Our lives are the rivers / that flow to give to the sea, / which is death. (From Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique por la muerte de su padre, 1477.) ¿ ... quà © me ha de aprovechar ver la pintura / daquel que con las alas derretidas ...? ... what could it help me to see the painting of that one with the melted wings ...? (From the 12th sonnet of Garcilazo de la Vega, c. 1500-1536.) One exception in modern usage is the slang spellings of mijo and mija for mi hijo and mi hija (my son and my daughter, respectively). Such a spelling should not be used in formal writing. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the apostrophe should not be used in the following instances, which are considered Anglicisms: To shorten years, such as using 04 for 2004. Simply 04 can be used instead.To make plurals. The Spanish word for apostrophe is apà ³strofo. An apà ³strofe is a certain type of insult.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of Social Hierarchal Tensions Through The...
Donnie Darko by director Richard Kelly is a thriller film that explores many aspects of social hierarchal tensions through the presentation of Donnie Darko’s life. The film consists of the his universe and a tangent universe; it shows how his social, family, and school interactions effects his role in society. From â€Å"Looking at Movies: An Introduction,†by Richard Barsam and Dave Monahan, film technique such as mise-en scene, cinematography and sound are used by Kelly in the lifeline sequence to dramatizes Donnie’s rebellion against inane ideals of the shallow authority figures at his school. The lifeline sequence, comprised of fourteen shots, exhibits Donnie’s rebellion against his teacher, Ms. Farmer, about how the lifeline is not†¦show more content†¦Turner, editing and sound techniques are used in shots three, four, and five. As display the argument in a professional manner, AB shot sequence is used. Shot A (shot three and five) is composed of Donnie and shot B (shot four) is composed of Ms. Farmer. These enhances the argument by showing only the individual who is asserting their views. As Donnie and Ms. Turner assert their views, the voice in these shots allows the audience to understand that the tension is building up. This is displayed in shot five when Donnie’s voice rises as he states that, â€Å"there are other things that need to be taken into account for like the whole spectrum in human emotion.†By the end of his sentence about human emotion, his voice is twice as loud as his voice at the beginning of the shot. This creates the e ffect that Donnie’s temper is shortening and he is extremely frustrated. To over dramatize Donnie’s rebellion against Ms. Turner’s lifeline, the camera dollies in to the right as Donnie voice rises and walks toward Ms. Farmer; closing the gap between them and placing them in a two shot. In these few shots of the sequence, Kelly used editing and sound techniques such as volume increase, AB shot sequence, and two shot to enhance and dramatize the clashing values between Donnie’s realistic belief and Ms. Turner’s inane belief of what type of emotions should be on the lifeline. To help
The American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman...
The American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman The American Dream ~ for many, it is the unlocked door that leads to happiness. It is the hope for a future filled with success and fortune. Although most people have a similar idea of what the American Dream is, they may have different ideas on how to achieve it. For Willy Loman, a struggling salesman, achieving this dream would be a major accomplishment. Unfortunately, his unusual ideas of how this dream can be achieved prevent him from reaching his goal. Out of all of Willy’s unusual ideas, one major pattern we can notice is how Willy truly believes that popularity and physical appearance are what make people wealthy. We are first introduced to this†¦show more content†¦An example of how Willy depends on popularity to help achieve the dream is seen when Willy is having a flashback in which he’s speaking to both Biff and Happy about having his own business. The boys ask their father if his business will be like their Uncle Charley’s. Willy responds by saying that he’ll be, â€Å"Bigger than Uncle Charley! Because Charley is not- liked. He’s liked, but he’s not- well liked.†From this example, it becomes evident that Willy thinks being â€Å"well liked†can make you successful. The most significant example, however, is also one that takes place in one of Willy’s flashbacks. Again, he is speaking to his sons about becoming successful. He tells them, â€Å"...the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want. You take me...I never have to wait in line to see a buyer. ‘Willy Loman is here!’ That’s all they have to know, and I go right through.†From these examples, it becomes very apparent that appearance and popularity are unusually important to Willy when it comes to being successful in the business world. As we can see from Willy’s ideas of personal attractiveness, heShow MoreRelated Destruction of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman834 Words  | 4 PagesDestruction of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman A white picket fence surrounds the tangible icons of the American Dreams in the middle 1900s: a mortgage, an automobile, a kitchen appliance paid for on the monthly - installment - plan, and a silver trophy representative of high school football triumph. A pathetic tale examining the consequences of mans harmartias, Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman satisfies many, but not all, of the essential elements of a tragedyRead More Failure of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman932 Words  | 4 PagesFailure of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman is a story about the dark side of the American Dream. Willy Lomans obsession with the dream directly causes his failure in life, which, in turn, leads to his eventual suicide. The pursuit of the dream also destroys the lives of Willys family, as well. Through the Lomans, Arthur Miller attempts to create a typical American family of the time, and, in doing so, the reader can relateRead More Failure of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman907 Words  | 4 PagesFailure of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman  In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller forces the reader to deal with the failure of the American Dream(Field 2367) and the effect it had on the Loman family, how it ruins the life of Willy, and destroys Biff’s life as well. By focusing on serious problems that the reader can relate to, Arthur Miller connects us with the characters facing these life-altering crisis.            To Willy Loman success is defined asRead MoreThe Survival of the American Dream in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman1110 Words  | 5 PagesThe term, â€Å"American Dream,†came from American historian James Truslow Adams who first used the term in his published book, â€Å"The Epic of America.†According to Adam himself, he believes that the American Dream is the â€Å"dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†(Amadeo). The term has been used differently in today’s society and recalls it as maturing, getting married with the love of your life, havingRead More Myths of the American Dream Exposed in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman828 Words  | 4 PagesMyths of the American Dream Exposed in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman  Willy Loman, the lead character of Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, believes in the myths of the capitalistic society(DiYanni 412). This essay will examine the impact of the capitalistic myths on Willy Lowman.            Willy believes in the myth that popularity and physical appearance are the keys that unlock the door to the â€Å"American Dream†. We are first introduced to the importance of popularity and physicalRead MoreThe Destruction of Willy Lowmans American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman626 Words  | 3 Pages In Arthur Millers Death of A Salesman readers are introduced to Willy, an ambitious salesman who just cant seem to get a break despite his drive. Willys life is marked by failure, and an almost stubborn attachment to the idea of striking it big. Willys life is ended by his own hands, the result of a broken dream that lead to a broken spirit. In many senses Willy represents the idea of the everyman, the average working class man trying to get ahead, this is reflected in his attachment toRead MoreThe Importance Of The American Dream In Arthur Millers Death Of A Salesman2107 Words  | 9 PagesThus, in Millerâ€℠¢s Death of a Salesman, the different components of the American Dream can either work together, or destroy an individual in their pursuit of their ultimate goal are represented through Willy’s pursuit a tight-family unit and extreme wealth. The prospect of the American Dream destroying an individual rests upon the definition and action of that same individual. What one individual may see as a success in their pursuit of happiness may very well be seen as a failure in another’s. SomeRead More The American Dream in Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun and Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman 2744 Words  | 11 Pagesago, Americans were fighting for their freedom from Britain. Then, the American dream was to have freedom. To American then, being free and having their own individual country was enough. Up until a few decades ago, African Americans were fighting to have equal rights. They thought this was all they needed and they would be truly happy. Somewhere over the course of time; happiness had a new meaning for all Americans. Now material possessions are what it takes to be happy. The American dream is toRead MoreA Detailed Analysis of Death of a Salesman1199 Words  | 5 PagesLook at Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman has been accepted worldwide as one of the greatest American dramas to premier in theatre. The story behind the play is based on Miller’s interactions with his Uncle, a salesman whose efforts to obtain the â€Å"American Dream†and pass his success on to his two sons becomes his main focus. Miller’s life during the preparation of Death of a Salesman provides the spark and inspiration needed to pen a literary classic. Almost five decades later, Death of a Salesman’sRead More Destruction of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pagessame dream that says this is a country where anything’s possible. No matter who you are. No matter where you come from.†-- President Obama, Commenting on the American Dream The American Dream is a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. It is the belief that, no matter how poor you begin life, you can achieve upward social mobility for your family and children. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, crushes the ethos of the American Dream. Miller’s
Causes of the French Revolution Essay Example For Students
Causes of the French Revolution Essay The Causes Of The French RevolutionIn the 17th and 18th centuries, France was ruled by an absolute government. The king had all the political power. And the kings who came after him were despots. For example, anyone who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial. Louis XIV at least ruled this country efficiently. Last French kings were not good rulers. Louis XIV (1774-1793) was king at the time of the French Revolution. He was more interested in hunting than governing France. He and his Austrians queen, Marie Antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the Palace of Versailles. This doesnt work because the Inspector knows what is coming to them, doesnt care or allows himself to be influenced about Birlings titles and has morals on his side so he doesnt need to be forceful so he keeps calm. He knows that their secrets will come out and destroy them and this is metaphorically shown by the director in the play by the actors having the risk of actually falling off the house. With the higher classes; also came the assumption and expectance of being allowed to do what they want Both Gerald rise to have a look They are surprised and rather annoyed. The characters in the play are rather ugly which doesnt fit to the text Gerald Croft is an attractive chap but in the film they arent ugly because the black and white film was set in a generation were movie stars meant to be handsome. In the play, Sheila tries to run away but the Inspector gently but firmly pushes her and forces her to confess. He is half in the light, half in the shadow because he is helping her face up to what she did. She is dressed all in white, which makes her naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve, pure and innocent, and as her gloves are also white, it accentuates her hand gestures so we are drawn to the fidgeting. As the confession goes on, her voice begins to get more shrill and croaks as she tries to self-justify herself But she was very pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself. I couldnt be sorry for her. She talks straight to the audience so they can witness it too. In the play, the audience are not made sympathetic towards Sheila because she is portrayed as uncaring because she pities herself and so doesnt seem sorry or feel guilty but the black and white film is more true to text because Sheila is more docile, ashamed and accepts blame but there is a flashback of her shopping which does not happen in the text. This shows her trying on a hat not a dress and the director could have put this in to make the audience sympathetic to Eva as well. However, we do see that Eva did laugh at her and that she is mimicked by the music as she walks out so people do feel pity for her. She also faces a mirror when she is making a confession, forcing her to look at herself and accept it. When the Inspector questions her, she admits that she did for her own purposes Because I was in a furious temper It was my own fault. And that she did it without thinking about the effect on Evas life And so you used the power you had just because she made you feel like that? John adams revolution EssayNeither the play nor the film is true to the ending. They are all supposed to be there at the end when they receive the telephone call As they stare guiltily and dumbfounded, the curtain falls but in the play the curtain falls leaving just Sheila isolated at the front because she is the only one who has changed. When you think its finished the curtain keeps going, showing a different setting with just one kid standing in the house where previously it had been packed. Sheila turns around and sees that things will change. It is also the only time when you hear their normal voices because they are shocked. In the film the inspector before being locked in the study gives them a sardonic smile as if he knows what is happening. When they find out the truth about him, he mysteriously disappears with the chair he was sitting in still rocking. The music has a dramatic tone in both things and is staccato in the film at the end. Different images were used from the text in both the film and play because the directors were trying to get the message across to different audiences; but it is still the same message.
Competitive Business Force Model
Question: Discuss about the Competitive Business Force Model. Answer: Porters Competitive Force Model The industry is given industry plans to the Australian customers. The porters competitive force model is used to analyse the aspects of the competitive structure and environment of the industry. Bargaining power of suppliers: It is low. The suppliers of the company are computing hardware and software providers only. It threatens the industry by raising price and reduces the quality of services. Bargaining power of customers: It is medium. The customers are not so much pressurizing the company to provide high quality internet plans and quality services. Threat of new entrants: It is high. The company decides to make suggestions on internet plans based on needs of customers, as it is easy for new company to enter into the industry. Threat of substitutions: It is high. The buyers are looking for alternative products in the market. If they find any alternative product, then they will switch to them. Rivalry: It is medium. Until there are no such rivalries of the industry those are giving similar internet plans as the company.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Notion of the Work
Introduction The past three decades have seen organizations take a huge interest in the working and personal lives of their employees. The understanding that work issues and personal life issues affect the performance of the individual employee has sparked this interest. Lack of work-life balance negatively influences the individual’s performance at the workplace as well as in their personal life.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Notion of the Work-Life Balance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many organizations have therefore launched work-life balance programs aimed at resolving the conflicts between work and family life. The importance of these programs has been accentuated by the increasing demands on employees by the organization as well as the demographic changes in the workplace. This paper will explore the notion of work-life balance with a detailed review on how the practice has influenced the way that management is conducted. It will then offer a critical view of the ethical and moral implications of the practice and conclude by giving an outlook on the sustainability of work-life balance practices. Brief Introduction to the Practice Before the 1970s, â€Å"work†and â€Å"family†were treated as separate entities and the organization was not concerned about non-work related issues affecting the employee. This situation began to change when researchers highlighted a spill over effect where aspects of work affected family life while aspects of family affected work life (Pranav 2010). This theory led to further investigations, which revealed that occurrences on one segment (either work or life) could have a negative or positive consequence on the other segment. The revelations led to a change in the organizational outlook of work and personal life and work-life balance issues begun to receive significant attention by employers during the 1980s. A number of ac tivities in the labour market also precipitated this attention. To begin with, the second half of the 20th century witnessed a marked increase in work demands on individuals. This resulted in an increasing encroachment of work demands on family and personal time. The strong rise in women’s labour market participation in the industrialized world also brought to the forefront the issue of work-life balance since the increase in women workers raised the number of people who combine work and family life (Pascale, Laura Tanja 2009). This observation is corroborated by Bird (2006) who observes that the initial focus on work-life balance was precipitated by the struggles faced by working mothers who had a hard time balancing their work obligations with those of raising a family.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At the onset, work-life balance was structured to address the ne eds of working mothers. By the mid 1980s, organizations were making significant changes to their workplace polices so as to accommodate the needs of the working mother. These changes included extended maternity leaves, onsite child-care services, and flexible work hours to help the women manage their family obligations. By the end of the decade, men also began to voice concerns about their work-life issues. This resulted in work-life balance becoming viewed as an issue that affected both genders and not only women. By the late 1980s, researchers begun to acknowledge that work-life issues were not only limited to working women but also men. Bird (2006) documents that the early 1990s were characterized by an appreciation of the importance of work-life balance for all employees regardless of their gender. Expansive research on the topic led to numerous work-life programs being proposed and implemented by many organizations. Lotte (2011) observes that the practice of integrating work de mands with people’s personal needs yielded to positive results for both employees and the organization. How Work-Life Practices have Influenced Management For the work-life programs to have the desired positive impact, managers must implement them. Failure to this, employees will continue to experienced burnout and feel out of touch with their non-work lives therefore reducing their productivity. Work life balance has therefore had some significant influences on how management of employees is conducted. Organizations have had to include work-life balance policies in order to attract new workers and reduce the turnover rate among their current employees. Research in the area of work-life balance reveals that many individuals in the labour market make work decisions based on work-life issues (Perry-Smith, Jill, Blum, 2000). Lotte (2011) theorizes that the reason for this is that employees today are seeking to seamlessly combine their work and family lives. As such, organizatio ns that fail to offer work-life balance programs that will enable the prospective employee to balance their career and family chase away a pool of talented employees who are seeking family supportive organizations. Management is therefore forced to adopt family supportive policies in order to attract a greater pool of prospective employees than it would have if it were only offering traditional career paths. One of the objectives of work-life balance practices is to change work activities so that they help employees with their personal lives but without degrading the effectiveness of work (Lotte 2011). With this consideration, organizations have adopted cultures that are supportive of work-life activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Notion of the Work-Life Balance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In some cases, this has meant doing away with deeply entrenched long working hour cultures and adopting an a ttitude that is accommodative of work-life balance. Visser and Laura (2007) confirm that work-life balance policies are having an impact on how organizations operate by forcing them to adopt practices that take into consideration the personal needs of the employees. Work-life balance policies have obligated managers to come up with more flexible working options for their employees. A report by Visser and Laura (2007) revealed that because of the progress made in work-life, 73% of the employees interviewed were offered some form of ad hoc arrangements by their employers. These arrangements included part-time options, flexible working hours, job sharing, and working from home option. In some cases, management has been required to include voluntary reduced hours in order to maintain certain workers. Yeandle (2002) notes that some women find it hard to go back to work after having children. In order to retain such employees, the organization might have to adopt family-friendly policies such as the presence of onsite childcare centres and voluntary reduced hours. Without such programs in place, such employees who have dependent children would not be able to keep working for the organization. The relationship between employees and employers has also been forced to change by work-life practices. Specifically, employees have been given more leeway in controlling their schedule. Management is today forced to work closer with employees and be prepared to reach a compromise concerning their working hours. Traditionally, employees had a fixed work schedule and they were required to always report to work at specific times and leave after a given number of hours. Special permission had to be given for employees to break this cycle and provision of this permission was at the discretion of management. Work-life balance policies have given employees a right to request for work flexibility and managers are obligated to give such requests due consideration (Visser Laura 2007). Work-life practices have therefore led to increased flexibility in work hours with employees having a greater say over how they manage their time. The motivational methods used by management have also changed due to work-life practices. Managers recognize that work-life practices can be used as a motivational tool for the employees. By offering flexible work plans, the employee is able to reduce work-life conflict. Yeandle (2002) asserts that the perceived control leads to greater employee satisfaction with their work schedule. This positive feeling leads to improved attitudinal and behavioural outcomes from the employee and these lead to higher productivity.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because the practices lead to employees feeling that they have been treated well by the organization. In return, they feel obligated to act in a manner favourable to the organization and these involve working hard to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Work-life practices have therefore led to changes in motivational methods used to inspire employees to reach set organizational goals. Organizations have also been obligated to foster open environments where personal issues are considered together with work issues. While the organization traditionally sort to separate work from personal life, the work-life practice has led to the two being integrated to some degree. Poelmans (2005) observes that an organizational culture that allows employees to discuss their non-work lives with each other resulted in more satisfied employees who exhibited higher performance. Managers have therefore made changes to the organization by adopting open cultures where work lives and non-wo rk lives can coexist. This approach has led to favourable results since, as Poelmans (2005) reveals, employees who discuss their non-work related issues at work have greater satisfaction with their jobs and demonstrate higher productivity than those who keep their personal issues compartmentalized. Management has had to make use of quality of work life indicators to keep track of their employees well being. Such an approach has been necessitated by the revelation that poor work-life balance elevates potential impairments to health and safety. Wirtz and Katharina (2011) report that work-life conflict is associated with an increase in several health impairments, poor well-being, sleep disorders, and fatigue. All these conditions compromise the productivity of the employee. By utilizing quality of work life indicators, management can assess the effectiveness of work-life balance policies and make relevant adjustments. Ethical and Moral Implications of Work-Life Practices Work-life bala nce practices have a number of significant ethical and moral implications for the employees and employers. A significant ethical issue arising from work-life balance is who should be entitled to benefits accrued from this practice. Waumsley, Houston and Marks (2010) observe that most research on family-life balance defines a family as a unit which includes children and the issues faced by people who do not live within a family structure are rarely addressed. To make matters worse, most of the programs created have concentrated on the problems faced by families that include children. This omission of individuals not living within the traditional family structure with children is discriminatory since employees are supposed to be treated equally. Research indicates that single employees who have no children receive limited support for work-life balance from their employers. Waumsley, et al. (2010) documents that in the USA, childless single employees perceived â€Å"less equity in soc ial inclusion, work opportunities, access to benefits, respect for non-work life and work expectations than did employees with families†(p.4). Such findings suggest that lack of work-life support for certain employee groups is perceived negatively. The assumption that only individuals with children and/or who live within traditional family structures experience work-life conflict is wrong. Measures should therefore be taken to come up with work benefit packages that consider all members of the organization. Utilizing work-life balance policies might have a negative impact on the career advancement of the individual. While an organization will make work-life options available to everyone, most employees will avoid making use of these opportunities since they might lead to other employees assuming that they are not committed to the organization. This fear is best elaborated by Kodz, Harper and Susan (2007) who stress that many workers are de-motivated by the opinion that making use of the work-life balance practices offered by their organization will hurt their career objectives. The moral nature of the work-life balance programs is therefore called into question since it appears to offer benefits to the employee but at the same time, the employee is penalized for taking advantage of these benefits. The effectiveness of the programs is greatly diminished since most employees avoid making use of the programme since they do not want to hurt their future career advancement prospects. Another issue that may arise from work-life balance practices is that they might increase conflict in some employees’ lives if they are universally adapted (Lauzun 2010). For example, work at home arrangements might be used to help the employee spend more time at home. However, such an arrangement might be seen as intrusive by other employees who will perceive that the boundary between work and home is being blurred through such practices. Bird (2006) observes that withou t consulting with the employees, work-life balance practices will be ineffective since work-life balance is â€Å"an individual issue that affects the organization than it is an organizational issue that affects the individual†(p.3). Work-life balance programs also raise the moral question of which employees are more deserving. Visser and Laura (2007) document that in many organizations, employee grade is a consideration when solutions such as flexible work time are being offered. Employees who have post high school education are more likely to be offered these facilities that those without. This is discriminatory practice since all employees experience work-life conflict and the employee grade might not be a factor in the degree of the conflict experienced. Sustainability of the Practice The significance of work-life balance programs can be expected to increase in the coming years as the demographic changes in the workplace become more pronounced. Many countries have experi enced an increase in the pension age and this is likely to result in an older workforce. With the increase in an ageing workforce, work-life issues will become more important and management will have to react accordingly in order to sustain the productivity of the employees. The present day economic scenario requires organizations to increase their productivity in order to survive in the increasingly competitive business environment. In order to achieve this desirable increase in productivity, the organization relies on the input of the individual employee. Employees with improved work-life balance are more likely to make a positive contribution towards organizational performance and therefore ensure its future growth and success. Elliot (2012) argues that work-life practices may indeed be the only way to ensure a sustainable economy for the country. She notes that without such practices, many working mothers would be forced to quit paid employment and this would come at a huge fina ncial cost to the economy. As such, while the work-life practices may be costly for the organization to implement, their long-term benefits for the individual, organization, and society outweigh any cost incurred in their implementation. Conclusion This paper set out to discuss the notion of work-life balance, its implications on management and any ethical and moral issues that it might raise. It began by tracing the birth of work-life practices to the 1970s when the relationship between work and life was established with the revelation that aspects of work affected family life and aspects of family affected work. The paper has demonstrated how part-time work, flexible working hours, and home based teleworking are instruments that have been exploited by Human Resource departments in organizations to help reconcile work and family life. The paper has documented the various ethical and moral issues raised by work-life practices including exclusion of some employees, victimization, and discrimination. It concluded by noting that work-life issues will continue to be prevalent in the organizational setting and as such, organizations cannot ignore work-life issues without suffering consequences. It can therefore be expected that work-life balance will remain at the forefront of public policy issues for many decades to come. References Bird, J 2006, ‘Work-life balance doing it right and avoiding the pitfalls’, Employment Relations Today, vol. 33 no.3, pp. 1-9. Elliot, A 2012, Flexible working and sustainable working practices. Web. Kodz, J Harper, H Dench, S 2007, Work-life balance: Beyond the rhetoric. London: IES. Lauzun, H 2010, ‘Seeking Work-Life Balance: Employees’ Requests, Supervisors’ Responses, and Organizational Barriers’, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, vol. 13 no. 1, pp. 184–205. Lotte, B 2011, ‘Redesigning work for gender equity and work-personal life integration’, Work Family, vol. 14 no. 1 , pp. 97-112. Pascale, P Laura, D Tanja, L 2009, ‘The effects of time-spatial flexibility and new working conditions on employees’ work-life balance: the Dutch case’, Work Family’, vol. 12 no. 3, pp. 279-297. Perry-Smith, J Blum, T 2000 ‘Work-life human resource bundles and perceived organizational performance’, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 43 no.6, pp. 1107-1117. Poelmans, S 2005, Work and family: an international research perspective, Sidney: Routledge. Pranav, N 2010, ‘Overview of Work-Life Balance Discourse and Its Relevance in Current Economic Scenario’, Asian Social Science, vol.6 no.6, pp. 148-155. Visser, F Laura, W 2007, Work-life balance: Rhetoric versus reality? Web. Waumsley, J Houston, D Marks, G 2010, ‘What about Us? Measuring the Work-Life Balance of People Who Do Not Have Children’, Review of European Studies, vol. 2 no. 2, pp. 3-17. Wirtz, A Katharina, R 2011, ‘Working on Sundaysâ⠂¬â€œEffects on Safety, Health, and Work-life Balance’, Chronobiology International, vol. 28 no.4, pp. 361–370. Yeandle, S 2002, Employed careers and family-friendly employment policies. London: Joseph Rowntree Foundation Policy Press. This essay on The Notion of the Work-Life Balance was written and submitted by user Leyla Ward to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Valcanoes essays
Valcanoes essays The distructive power of a valcano is one of the most violent and deadly of all natural forces. In a short period of time, these massive explosions of the earths crust can shatter whole communities. Valcanoes are very distructive no matter how big or how small they erupt at. They cause the highest amount of deaths and the greatest amount of damage. Of the two major types of Volcanoes, andestic and basaltic, the two typical volcanoes begin life when a mass of low-density magma forces its way to the surface. When the density of the rising magma is the same as that of the surrounding rock, it gathers in a magma chamber. Any rise in pressure in the chamber may now push the magma upwards through cracks in the overlying rock. As the magma traveling up a crack approaches the surface, the pressure from the overlying rocks reduces; gases are released from the magma and expand so suddenly that an explosion rips open a funnel shaped vent (called a diatreme) to the surface. The lava that blasts out of the vent then cools, to form cinders, ash and dust - all referred to as "Tephra". A ring of tephra collects around the vent and, as the eruption subsides, this blocks up the diatreme. Volcanoes have erupted in many different places. Volcanoes have erupted in The Philippines, Java, Papua New Guinea Fire", located around the Pacific Ocean, is 20 or so places with active volcanoes in them joined by one big imaginary line that forms a circle (or "Ring") when scaled down to the Somewhere in the world an eruption occurs at least once a month. Whether it be big or small it doesnt really matter at all. If it kills 1 person or 1 000 people it is still counted as an eruption. In some countries volcanoes are common and erupt frequently as in Hawaii. But in other countries like Australia there are no eruptions at all. That could ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Police, Policy, and Politics
Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics By Mark Nichol Are police and policy related? Not only are they cognates, but they used to mean the same thing- and politics is descended from the same word as well. That word is polis, the Greek term for a city as well as for the concept of the city-state and the body of citizens who constituted that state. This word became the basis for a number of compounds, including acropolis, which means â€Å"upper city†but refers to the fortified heights of a city. (The prefix acro- is also seen in such words as acrobat, which literally means â€Å"high dancer,†and acrophobia, which pertains to a fear of heights.) Acropoles in ancient Greece were generally located the first inhabited part of a settlement (chosen for its defensive properties and therefore the location of the community’s citadel); the Acropolis of Athens is the exemplar of such locations. Another term is metropolis (literally, â€Å"mother city†), originally denoting the capital or principal city of a province but now used to describe any major city. The adjective metropolitan describes the characteristics of a city, often including its underground railway system, which is sometimes abbreviated to metro, but the word also serves as a noun for a Greek Orthodox bishop who oversees other bishops and for the see, or seat, of his administration. Megalopolis, featuring the prefix mega-, meaning â€Å"great,†is the name of an actual city in Greece but also refers generically to an especially large city or a cluster of cities- technically, one with more than ten million people. (A related adjective is cosmopolitan, which stems from the noun cosmopolite, a rare term meaning â€Å"citizen of the word†; the equally unusual word cosmopolis describes a sophisticated city. Meanwhile, a necropolis- the prefix means â€Å"dead†- is a large cemetery.) Greek names for other ancient cities, such as Constantinople/Istanbul (â€Å"Constantine’s city†/â€Å"to the city†) and Persepolis (â€Å"city of the Persians†), include the word; several modern cities, including the American municipalities of Annapolis, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis, follow this tradition. Originally, police, like policy, referred to civil administration (both come from the intermediate Latin noun politia), but by the early 1700s, it came to apply specifically to law enforcement, and within about a century that was its only sense. Enforcers soon came to be called police, as well as policemen (later, policewomen was adopted for female officers, and the neutral term â€Å"police officer†now prevails for all personnel), and the word also became a verb describing the action of law enforcement or the keeping of order in general. (Later, policier came to describe a novel, film, or television program dealing with the solving of crimes.) The two meanings of policy apparently come from different sources. The sense of â€Å"approach†or â€Å"way of management†derives from polis, but the word for an insurance contract may stem from the Latin word apodexis, meaning â€Å"proof.†However, politics, politician, and other such words pertaining to public affairs also derive from polis. An interesting divergence occurred with political and politic, which both originated as adjectives meaning â€Å"pertaining to public affairs†; the latter word acquired the additional sense of â€Å"prudent†and rarely applies to politics anymore, though the verb form, and the noun form politicking, do. (The k was added to the latter word, as it is to picnicking and a few other words, to clarify that the consonant sound before -ing is hard.) Polite and its derivatives impolite and politesse are unrelated, stemming not from polis but from polire, a Latin verb meaning â€Å"polish†(and the source of polish as well) or â€Å"smooth.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Owing to" vs "Due to"Careful with Words Used as Noun and Verb
Police, Policy, and Politics
Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics By Mark Nichol Are police and policy related? Not only are they cognates, but they used to mean the same thing- and politics is descended from the same word as well. That word is polis, the Greek term for a city as well as for the concept of the city-state and the body of citizens who constituted that state. This word became the basis for a number of compounds, including acropolis, which means â€Å"upper city†but refers to the fortified heights of a city. (The prefix acro- is also seen in such words as acrobat, which literally means â€Å"high dancer,†and acrophobia, which pertains to a fear of heights.) Acropoles in ancient Greece were generally located the first inhabited part of a settlement (chosen for its defensive properties and therefore the location of the community’s citadel); the Acropolis of Athens is the exemplar of such locations. Another term is metropolis (literally, â€Å"mother city†), originally denoting the capital or principal city of a province but now used to describe any major city. The adjective metropolitan describes the characteristics of a city, often including its underground railway system, which is sometimes abbreviated to metro, but the word also serves as a noun for a Greek Orthodox bishop who oversees other bishops and for the see, or seat, of his administration. Megalopolis, featuring the prefix mega-, meaning â€Å"great,†is the name of an actual city in Greece but also refers generically to an especially large city or a cluster of cities- technically, one with more than ten million people. (A related adjective is cosmopolitan, which stems from the noun cosmopolite, a rare term meaning â€Å"citizen of the word†; the equally unusual word cosmopolis describes a sophisticated city. Meanwhile, a necropolis- the prefix means â€Å"dead†- is a large cemetery.) Greek names for other ancient cities, such as Constantinople/Istanbul (â€Å"Constantine’s city†/â€Å"to the city†) and Persepolis (â€Å"city of the Persians†), include the word; several modern cities, including the American municipalities of Annapolis, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis, follow this tradition. Originally, police, like policy, referred to civil administration (both come from the intermediate Latin noun politia), but by the early 1700s, it came to apply specifically to law enforcement, and within about a century that was its only sense. Enforcers soon came to be called police, as well as policemen (later, policewomen was adopted for female officers, and the neutral term â€Å"police officer†now prevails for all personnel), and the word also became a verb describing the action of law enforcement or the keeping of order in general. (Later, policier came to describe a novel, film, or television program dealing with the solving of crimes.) The two meanings of policy apparently come from different sources. The sense of â€Å"approach†or â€Å"way of management†derives from polis, but the word for an insurance contract may stem from the Latin word apodexis, meaning â€Å"proof.†However, politics, politician, and other such words pertaining to public affairs also derive from polis. An interesting divergence occurred with political and politic, which both originated as adjectives meaning â€Å"pertaining to public affairs†; the latter word acquired the additional sense of â€Å"prudent†and rarely applies to politics anymore, though the verb form, and the noun form politicking, do. (The k was added to the latter word, as it is to picnicking and a few other words, to clarify that the consonant sound before -ing is hard.) Polite and its derivatives impolite and politesse are unrelated, stemming not from polis but from polire, a Latin verb meaning â€Å"polish†(and the source of polish as well) or â€Å"smooth.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Owing to" vs "Due to"Careful with Words Used as Noun and Verb
Police, Policy, and Politics
Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics By Mark Nichol Are police and policy related? Not only are they cognates, but they used to mean the same thing- and politics is descended from the same word as well. That word is polis, the Greek term for a city as well as for the concept of the city-state and the body of citizens who constituted that state. This word became the basis for a number of compounds, including acropolis, which means â€Å"upper city†but refers to the fortified heights of a city. (The prefix acro- is also seen in such words as acrobat, which literally means â€Å"high dancer,†and acrophobia, which pertains to a fear of heights.) Acropoles in ancient Greece were generally located the first inhabited part of a settlement (chosen for its defensive properties and therefore the location of the community’s citadel); the Acropolis of Athens is the exemplar of such locations. Another term is metropolis (literally, â€Å"mother city†), originally denoting the capital or principal city of a province but now used to describe any major city. The adjective metropolitan describes the characteristics of a city, often including its underground railway system, which is sometimes abbreviated to metro, but the word also serves as a noun for a Greek Orthodox bishop who oversees other bishops and for the see, or seat, of his administration. Megalopolis, featuring the prefix mega-, meaning â€Å"great,†is the name of an actual city in Greece but also refers generically to an especially large city or a cluster of cities- technically, one with more than ten million people. (A related adjective is cosmopolitan, which stems from the noun cosmopolite, a rare term meaning â€Å"citizen of the word†; the equally unusual word cosmopolis describes a sophisticated city. Meanwhile, a necropolis- the prefix means â€Å"dead†- is a large cemetery.) Greek names for other ancient cities, such as Constantinople/Istanbul (â€Å"Constantine’s city†/â€Å"to the city†) and Persepolis (â€Å"city of the Persians†), include the word; several modern cities, including the American municipalities of Annapolis, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis, follow this tradition. Originally, police, like policy, referred to civil administration (both come from the intermediate Latin noun politia), but by the early 1700s, it came to apply specifically to law enforcement, and within about a century that was its only sense. Enforcers soon came to be called police, as well as policemen (later, policewomen was adopted for female officers, and the neutral term â€Å"police officer†now prevails for all personnel), and the word also became a verb describing the action of law enforcement or the keeping of order in general. (Later, policier came to describe a novel, film, or television program dealing with the solving of crimes.) The two meanings of policy apparently come from different sources. The sense of â€Å"approach†or â€Å"way of management†derives from polis, but the word for an insurance contract may stem from the Latin word apodexis, meaning â€Å"proof.†However, politics, politician, and other such words pertaining to public affairs also derive from polis. An interesting divergence occurred with political and politic, which both originated as adjectives meaning â€Å"pertaining to public affairs†; the latter word acquired the additional sense of â€Å"prudent†and rarely applies to politics anymore, though the verb form, and the noun form politicking, do. (The k was added to the latter word, as it is to picnicking and a few other words, to clarify that the consonant sound before -ing is hard.) Polite and its derivatives impolite and politesse are unrelated, stemming not from polis but from polire, a Latin verb meaning â€Å"polish†(and the source of polish as well) or â€Å"smooth.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Owing to" vs "Due to"Careful with Words Used as Noun and Verb
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